SimGuruJohn, who has been a build/gameplay designer on The Sims 4 and a Sims developer since 2007, has announced that he will be departing EA tomorrow.

Hey all,

This is a difficult thing to write, but I wanted to let you all know that tomorrow will be my last day at EA. Everything has been amicable; to put it succinctly, I’ve decided to move to the east coast for family reasons. That said, it’s been an amazing 7+ years here. Helping conceive and then watching as The Sims 4 Build Mode became the feature it is today has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Talking to the fan base; hearing your ideas, praise, and even criticisms is always exciting and interesting, and has brought a constant sense of purpose and incentive for what I do. For that, thank you. Build Mode is, and has been, in great hands with SimGuruHouts, and there are still plenty of things I’ve designed that you’ve yet to see! I greatly look forward to the future of The Sims, and hope you’ll all keep playing and chatting with the Gurus.

Cheers and goodbye,

Via. The Sims Forums