Go Go Pollin’ Simmers!
Previous Poll Results
Due to Alien Interference and Human Error, the results of last week’s poll are lost forever. OOPS!!!
Winner: N/A
Total # of Votes: N/A
On to the new poll!
Which of the features below are you most excited for in Seasons?
Diving Boards
New Build/Buy Mode Stuff
New CAS Assets
New Types of Food/Recipes
NONE! I don’t like this expansion!
Politically Correct HolidaysSeasonal Festivals
Swimming in the ocean
After voting, c’mon over and share your love for the feature(s) that you chose. You know, if you want.
I’m a builder so “New Build/Buy Mode Stuff” ftw ^^
Are they “lost” just because you don’t like Curtis? -_-
Keep Curtis off the site, he’s a bad one! Tbh TBS if you didn’t like him I wouldn’t blame you.
P.S I like the poll!
I wish they would hurry up and announce a chat.
Aliens excite me the most.
Aliens are main reason why I will buy Seasons.
I dunno what you are talking about. Never said I don’t like him, just can’t stand his ego. That and how he used to avoid citing his sources of info. But now he does, so to me the only thing annoying about his now is that ego. Oh and the fact that he was invited to the Supernatural/Seasons hands-on at EA HQ. Other than that, he’s ok.
Oh and, that bit in this post was a joke. Like, ‘Oh right, the results of the Curtis poll just happened to vanish due to some kind of glitch’. I swear it’s not a conspiracy. lol
Why does everyone have to be a cu*t, Curtis is awesome!
I say all of it but mainly the slow dance,online dating and basically everything else. Ive been begging for the slowdance for years.
Same here. With the info about Aliens coming up in the first half of next month, they have got to do it via chat and not another blog. Hopefully they will announce a date for the first all Seasons chat soon. Fingers crossed!
I’m kind of in-between a rock and a hard place with this. The poll showed one thing, but the comments and tweets showed another. I think the ONLY thing of his that will be posted on a rare occasion will be a house video, and that’s it. Also, Glad you like the new poll. Can’t remember if it was you or another who was annoyed with the other polls and wanted one that was relevant to Seasons. So here it is. 🙂
I had to google him to see who everyone was on about…He’s the Perez Hilton of Video Games, and that isn’t a compliment. Egotistical, Arrogant twerp…. Leave him to his own youTube channel, unless I’m confusing this guy with someone else…Dear Lord there can’t be two of them…The world isn’t big enough. (This part here starting at dear is meant to be taking as a joke people, pull the stick out of your butts before you go uber bitchy.) and it’s too early, need coffee.
How’s the chemo treating youm TBS? Hope it is getting alittle easier.
and I’m actually excited about seasons, even though I gave it a great big eye roll when it was announced, they seem to have at least evolved the features in it this time.
Had my 2nd CT/CAT Scan Wednesday and then on Thursday I got the good new that the chemo is working and the cancer is going away. Hopefully be early November, the 3rd CT/CAT Scan will show that it’s completely gone. Currently, October 28th will be my last day of Chemo. Fingers crossed and prayers prayed!
Wow, that’s great news. You absolutely have my prayers and best wishes. Every inch gained in a battle is cause for celebration. We’re pulling for you!