Updated 7/31/12 – There is one thing I want to address due to some of the comments. Some of you aren’t happy with the fact that this may be the 3rd/4th “We’re gonna close, no, we’re not.” post. For that, I do apologize – it’s not my intention. Let me make it clear, the whole closing thing is my personal feeling on the matter – it’s the staff that wants to keep it going. Me, personally, would rather much hand the site over completely and let them go on with it – making changes, adding new staff members, etc. Problem is, I made very bad decisions on the backend of this site to where I can’t just give the site over…
With WordPress, managing a site is suppose to be very simple. My problem is, I took something simple, and made it complicated to where you’d have to be very good at knowing what you’re doing. So, in order to fix my mistake, and to fully hand the site over to the staff, I have to go in and start with a fresh WordPress installation, set it up correctly – possibly starting fresh with having you guys re-register your accounts again, and a new easier to manage design. As for all of the existing posts/pages – it may be possible to actually save them and import them into the new site – I’m in the process of talking about it with our tech guy. So option 3 may be a go after all, keeping the name – and possibly the content, but getting things finally setup the way I should have always had it. Then, I can probably leave peacefully and you guys can stop hating me 😛 -JUD
Last night, while talking with The Black Scorpion, we were questioning the future of the site, as well as sharing our thoughts on the future of the Sims franchise. As everyone pretty much guessed, I am done with the franchise, and would like to move on to pursue other interests. However, the staff still has a passion – it may not be as strong as it was when they first started, but they still somewhat care for the series.
Anyhow, with TBS undergoing chemotherapy within the next few weeks, we were talking on what would be the best approach on how to handle things. He hasn’t exactly been feeling 100% interested with the Sims franchise, but that may be due to the stress over the treatments he’s about to go thru. I for one, do not want him to have to worry about the site during this time – last thing he needs on his mind is to think he has to keep updating. So the idea of closing the site for good came up.
After some back-and-forth discussions, we came to these options:
- Close Simprograms permanently, and let the staff move on if they wish.
- Close Simprograms, and keep the Facebook page up and use that as a tool to provide news updates.
- Reboot the whole site and start over from scratch, strictly dealing with news content and dropping the pages (as site statistics show, the programs, tutorials, cheats and other pages very rarely get visited).
I don’t mind option #1, but I did hand the site over to Bryce so in the end, it’s up to him. I like option #2 the most, because it would be easier for the staff as we all spend a good amount on Facebook. Of course, the drawback there is that not everyone cares or uses Facebook…
As for option #3 – in all honesty, it may be best for everyone. The site’s backend has always been a mess – I did not setup WordPress correctly, files are everywhere and not where they should be, the site’s design is a nightmare to look at due to all of its custom coding… A complete refresh and install would be beneficial. Two problems with that”
- If we do decide that route, all content – news, articles, etc, would be gone. We’d literally be starting over from scratch and rebuilding. However, being a news site, I don’t suppose this would harm us in the end. Folks want the latest info, so within a month or so, there may be enough content to please folks.
- If we do refresh the site, we’re going to be dropping the programs/tutorials and other misc. sections. We just can’t keep up, there never was a good system in place to handle those, it’s all manually entered, and it is a pain to do, hence why the pages have not been updated. If we do this, though is it even wise to keep the ‘SimPrograms’ name, or should we start completely fresh, kill the name and come up with another one?
So as of now, we’re deciding what would be the best route to take. I don’t really want to sell the site – nor give it away to someone I’m not really familiar with, so if it comes to the fact that it’s time to shut the doors, then so be it. We’ll listen to your comments and see what your thoughts would be.
If you end up to go with option #3, shoot me an email and I might be able to help out in the WordPress/design area.
Whats the point of a reboot if no one can update anyway? Doesnt quite make sense. I would rather keep to date on FB.
Reading over the post, it definitely made me think for a moment. Option 3 does sound nice and like stated “may be the best option” but remember in the beginning it was all about having to worry about keeping the site updated and what not, so wouldn’t rebooting the site create the same thing? (Having to worry about updating.)
I’m not saying the site should close at all, as so many Sims fansites have gone this past year and it’s sad but understandable.
I guess it’s more or less something to think about when you decide on which option to go with.
Good Luck!
i vote for option 3 – its best option – new staff and new fresh look but same content and new owners
but No 2 is ok but i rarely use facebook
i would sort the mess out – removing less used pages – you removed spore area – its worth doing a shot
I have a thought of a 4th option. Hand the site over to the community, so we can post our own news. Kinda like a community news forum.
Honestly, #3 makes sense.
Wipe everything. The layout sucks anyway lol. I depend on this site for Sims news and don’t want to visit anywhere else. Keep up the site, we all love it.
If you go with the facebook-only approach, count me out. While I wish the site and staff well, I refuse to use Facebook in any meaningful way.
E- said: “Option #3 seems to be the best, but as long as the patches for the games stay.”
DarkWalker said: “If you go with the facebook-only approach, count me out. While I wish the site and staff well, I refuse to use Facebook in any meaningful way.”
My sentiments exactly.
I would say go with #3, but try to figure out if you can only import the posts. While people are interested in news, sometimes I’ve searched your old posts to find things such as when you’ve made posts about items for free to see if I got them or to re-find ones I lost. News sites should strive to maintain their archive. I think it’s part of the utility.
I hope for the best for Jud, TBS, and all the other administrators. I for one would be v ery upset with this site closing. I’ve been visiting SimPrograms almost everyday for the past few years; it is my go-to sims site. But I understand that times come and go, and change is sometimes good. I just hope there is an alternate. If you do close, thank you so much for the great service you have provided, and I wish there was a better way to be involved and give back to you guys!
I think #3 option is the one. Sims 3 is almost over, with 2 more expansions left-Supernatural and “Seasons”. I believe so, but there might be one more after “Season”. Then, Sims 4 might come out afterward. It’d be much easier and better to refresh the site with a new or same name, but only focusing on Sims merchandises. Hope Bryce is doing well with a good recovery.
For those who are choosing #3. please explain how that differs from now? Neither old or new site will be updated so whats the point. Seems, like everyone here is scared of change.
I also want to ask Jud and Tbs this question. This is what? The 4th “we gonna close up” post. If you have to ask us so many times, I think the answer is clear. if u cant update this site, how will you update a new one?
Sorry for sounding rude, but honestly the site is already dead. :/
Really hoping we go for option #3, in due time, but keep the site open for now. Also hope we can keep posts somehow, such as importing the data from the SQL database into a new installation. I love reading things from the past.
I absolutely love this site. It’s my favorite Sims site, I check it every day.
I don’t want to see the site go but to maybe have a break?
I know it’s a lot to ask.
I do hope Bryce gets better, I’m sure he will!
If you’re not keen on the “break” idea then I would go for option 2, to update everything on Facebook.
Whatever you decide, I want to thank all the staff for the many years of keeping us all entertained with this fantastic website.
Maybe go with 2 for a few months and then once Bryce is better then reboot the site with a new name? Even though The Sims hasn’t been in the most exciting spot recently, I think that could change once Seasons is out in November. Maybe it will reignite that passion?
I think should not do anything that might regret later. Taking time off is one thing, closing is other. I really like this site.
Sorry for the portuguese… =p
I think should not do anything that might regret later. Taking time off is one thing, closing is other. I really like this site.
Option #3 seems to be the best, but as long as the patches for the games stay.
I love this site and it is the first place I go for news, but I always check it on Facebook so the Facebook option would be okay for me. I would be lost if it closes altogether. I also think you should keep your name. It is known and respected.
As much as I love this site, I do not want Bryce to have to deal with this while undergoing chemotherapy. Nor would I like you, Jud, to continue paying for a site that doesn’t involve your interest. #2 doesn’t seem like a good option because of the very reason that people are starting to drift away from Facebook. #3 doesn’t sound well either.. that would just add more stress to everyone and put more effort into something that doesn’t really interest you anymore. (I hope this isn’t coming across harshly, because I am not meaning it that way). As much as I love and adore SimPrograms.. every site has its ending.. I honestly have no idea what might be the best option.. but yet, I do not want it to become a nuisance. I just want to let you know that I am fine with any option you plan to choose.. I just would prefer one that would be more to your benefit. 🙂
Wow, dealing with my own bag of medical BS, I relate to Bryce, Mine was an aneurysm in the pulmonary artery.
However, from a perspective of Health, it is difficult to concentrate on the everyday simple things, let alone the extras when something like that is hanging over your head. This site takes a lot, and takes a lot out of the people who run it. It is a huge commitment and time drain.
So Honestly, from an adult opinion, you should close it. Most the writers’ interests have waned, and just since Jud’s stepping down, a ton of readers have quit the site as well.
But from a Fan’s perspective, a reboot is a huge undertaken for someone in recovery. And will you be up to it in a few months? Is this something you all can do, or will even want to do in a few months? Life is good at realigning people’s interests.
Facebook isn’t a bad route, except the readers who won’t use it.
And then a very understandable shut-down…I would have hoped it wouldn’t come to that, but you all have to think about yourselves, and your lives first.
And to whomever suggested a Community Run news site, it is a lot like Wikia in that sense, and not all articles would be 100% or even 75% spot on without a lot of diligent fact finding, you’d be in the same mess the current staff is facing now…
And I don’t have an opinion per say, I’m just playing Devil’s Advocate here. Food for thought, and asking the community to pick is terrible.
They will usually go with the choice that best suits themselves (Case in point, no offence meant)…
and not to be OT, but does anyone know why she’s such a troll all the time? Everything comes off negative and hateful with her for some reason. Or is it just me? (It bugs me, and I don’t know anyone on here personally to ask them.)
Hey, I don’t want to see this site go, I <3 SimsProgram. If you guys need help making a new layout design or need help with the coding let me know 🙂
I like #3, but I dont want Bryce to worry about the site during his chemo.
My suggestion would be close the site, go on Facebook TEMPORARILY, then, when Bryce is back in the swing of things, reboot the site, with the fresh look.
I’ve been following this site for years and would hate to see it go away completely, but at the same time, I dont want you guys to keep alive something you’re not interested in.
Maybe merge the site with another fansite?
It’s ultimately up to you guys. : )
Option 3, It Seems the Best Option 🙂
Option #3 honestly sounds like the best, though keep the name 🙂
I love you guys but I don’t want you to leave. Reboot the site. No CLOSING! Please, DON’T GO!?
Option 3 is looking to be the most requested one so far. If we do go with option 3, we should seriously keep the same name. It’s only logical, since the name has a noticeable popularity. Granted, the name would eventually be a bit misleading in that programs for The Sims series would no longer be collected at this site, but many Simmers would never think that the new site with a new name would even be the new SimPrograms. Would they still be interested? Oh, and a new look/layout would definitely help for a reboot. I support that.
Regardless, at this time, my main concern is TBS’s health on top of having to update the site. He doesn’t need any kind of stress. So, the rest of us would have to take care of it. I know I rarely post, mainly due to college and my music/writing career, but I can still make the time if need be. Fortunately, the others have been very good with maintaining the site. I applaud and thank them for that.
Okay, I just now noticed that Journey had changed his name. I was wondering whom that new, staff member was.
I just wanted to add that while it’s very sad if you guys decide to close the site, I for one, would totally understand. Sites like this one need constant attention, day in and day out and when it becomes a chore instead of a joy, that’s the time to bow out. I sincerely wish Bryce the best of luck with his trial coming up and should no way be stressed…part of recovery is having treatment in the best possible environment and that doesn’t include stressing over a web site. I just wanted the opportunity to say a great big “THANKS” for making my sim’s experience a lot better.
Adding on from option 3, we could redesign it after Bryce is done with Chemo. Keep posting awesome-sauce news until then.
It’s been hard to keep it updated, at SimPrograms it’s real life first. We would have to find more people, whom still enjoys Sims, to blog on here.
I still care for the franchise, while I don’t love TS3, and most of the team do. A lot of us are in school too, so, it has been hard to stay on top of things…
Please take a third option! Dont close the webpage!
Option 3 please! 🙁 I don’t care for Facebook pages.
Dear god i agree with you! It spins my fricking head when people are so CONSTANTLY negative…its annoying! x
I really do not like option 3 unless you guys are able to transfer all the old stuff to the new site. There are so very few sites that have info and downloads for older sims games.
Isn’t there a way to make the old content still accessible while revamping the site?
Jud, TBS & other team members,
Although I understand your reasoning to quit the website, Jud losing interest and TBS soon undergoing treatment, I’d really hate to see Simprograms go.
Please don’t close (shut down) the website!! This is my all time favorite Sims website and I’d hate to see it go. Normally I wouldn’t go and beg a website to stay open, but in this case I’ll make an exception. Also, your news archive is REALLY valuable. Sure, a lot of people come here for the latest news, but there are plenty of people out there who LOVE your news archive with all its posts and assets. Please, whatever you do, don’t let that go!
Perhaps you could close all comments if there is no interest in updating the website anymore, but still keep it readable for people who care for your website. And Jud, _please_ contact Cheetah and me for options if necessary.
Coming from a “been there, done that” perspective: although The Sims Zone never officially closed or anything, it’s never updated anymore. However, I do intend to keep that site up just for archives, so others who do still enjoy the franchise can dig back in the history of the game for as much as we kept track of it, without having to scavenge the hit-and-miss wayback machine.
If maintaining the site is a problem, as others have said already, that problem will remain with option #3, no matter how much better it becomes.
I remember when The Sims Zone rebooted. We changed name and site twice in the early years, removing most of the content we had. I have since lost the first content, going back to 1999/2000 and the biggest part of 2001. I’ve regretted losing that many many times while I was still active at The Sims Zone. There’s just too much background information in the history to go lost. In the meantime many other sites also closed and deleted their archives. There was no way anymore to track back some of the original content, which is unfortunate.
The biggest asset (IMO) you have now is an important one: the content that you’ve built up over the past few years. I suggest you keep that online for future fans – whether just players or other webmasters. They’ll find it useful even though it’s not up-to-date anymore.
Also, archiving is quite a minimal effort: just make sure the software is kept up-to-date occasionally for security and that should be enough. There’s always the option of exporting the site to static HTML pages, which may be quite a big effort, but it’s only required once.
Otherwise, team up with another site that is still active and see if you can get your content migrated to somewhere else, for safekeeping. IMO another viable option, if you’re not too attached to the SimPrograms name and don’t mind your content – with credit where appropriate – being published elsewhere.
Apart from all that, I hope all will be well with Bryce’s health and I’m sure you’ll make the decision that’s best for you.
I never visit the site except on the rare occasion that I want to comment on a post; I usually get the blog updates through my RSS feed.
I haven’t played the Sims in months (maybe more than a year), but I admit that I would be sad to see the site go since I really like the style and feel of Jud’s writing (even though he rarely writes anymore).
I’ll be fine with whatever option you choose, but, Jud, if you have another site please let us know. I’d like to add it to my RSS feed.
Depending on how the chemo does me in a few weeks, changing will most likely start in a month or two, if not at the end of the year. I myself favor the 3rd choice. Not sure about changing the name though. A reboot of the site would mean we could finally add and do other things that we can not at this time. Stuff like forums could finally be added. Other things like the poll, random quote and etc would stay. Would have to redo the cheats section from scratch and everyone would have to re-register on the site. It would also mean that we would lose all old posts. That’s unless we found a way to archive them or something. The entire site would have a brand new look and feel. We would bring on more Simmers to help as well. Some with news and eventually more who would only help mod the forums and help eliminate spam. But remember, for now we are in the planning stage. That and community input is always welcome.
I’m so sorry TBS for what you are going through. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. You definately need not to stress over this. I would help in a moment but I would be less than useless. I couldn’t even get my Google bar to show up. I am so grateful you had stepped up to take over the site, we all are. Keep strong.
SimPrograms has always been important to me, and one of the few things The Sims 3 couldn’t take out from me, I really wish u guys would choose #3, I can help ya with whatever u need, nothing that u don’t want will need to be left away, I can backup everything, but please, I think I speak by a lot of readers when I say, don’t close the site, and let’s start it all over again, and hope for a great Simcity 5, and a better The Sims 4..
That’s one thing we’re thinking about. Stuff like patches would be have to be downloaded from the site and readded to the new site. Dunno about older posts though.
I would be very sorry to see the site go, though I understand it’s not easy to keep it going at the moment. My preference would be option 3 but you guys need to do what is right for you, whichever you choose I will continue to support the site/Facebook page or any further endeavours you undertake. Regardless, I wish you all the best TBS and keep you in my thoughts and prayres.
I like the third option the most. But in a ‘lesser of three evils’ way. I don’t like Facebook pages just….because I don’t.=P
And I don’t want the website to close, you guys (and gals) provide the best Sims news!
If you do go with #3, don’t change the name! I like the ‘SimPrograms’ name.
Like other people have mentioned, though, do what you guys (and gals) think is best. =D
Option # 3 is the best for all, I think … also because it is one of the best sites for news of The Sims. Think about it, I’m an Italian user and I’m a fan of this site! I would be very disappointed if you close the site …
If you had needed any help, I am available as a Webmaster.
I manage well the Web sites and I am very passionate about The Sims, so I could give spirit to the site, but I’ll admit: I do not have very good graphics! : D
I have been visiting SimPrograms since the beginning. Even when my interest in playing/building in the sims was at a low, I still visited this site regularly to see what was going on in the Sim Community and with the game.
Maintaining a site this large is time consuming and painstaking. I can understand the desire to trim down the site based on what the stats reveal your visitors want. Even if you are not offering programs per-say, The Name Should Not Be Changed.
If the team here decides to go with option 3, I would like to offer that Custom Sims 3 would gladly host the information you choose to drop. Just a suggestion. Feel free to contact me if you have question or want to discuss this possibility.
SimPrograms has always ROCKED!
Option 3 I’d say. I don’t follow Facebook posts all that much to be honest
I hope you don’t decide to close or to lose the program section, as this is probably the only site with all the links etc to programs for sims 1,2 and 3, there must be someone who would carry on the Simprogram legacy, I for one would be glad to (I even have my own 10 TB Armstrong server), I would be a great loss for simmers everywhere.
I would be disappointed to see the program section pulled. I might not need to go to that part of the website everyday but I’ve always liked the fact those programs were there if I had a computer crash and I’ve always directed people this way if they need them.
It’s the main reason that this site is even on my radar so it would seem a shame to lose it.
I don’t use Facebook so I wouldn’t follow you guys over if you moved to that so I guess it’s option 3 for me but like I said I don’t like the idea of losing the program section.
As much as I love this site I hate to say that its probably best that #1 be put into place temporarily. It seems like the staff needs a break from the simming world, and what better way to relax than just stop updating for a period of time. Leave the site as is, take care of your lives and come back whenever you please. I’m sure the financial strain of keeping the site live is much worse than just closing it out temporarily.
We (simprograms fans) are just strangers. The staff should attend to their real life, figure out what they want to do, and then decide on a permanent solution. The site is valuable as is. I repeat AS IS. If you do a complete reboot and remove everything that is here now (tutorials, programs, patches, posts etc) from the new site, there isn’t really much of a reason to start over. At least that is how I see it. I love simprograms because of the valuable posts over the years. I hate starting new! Maybe take a few months (or a year) and clean out what you don’t like? Sure its time consuming, but at least this way you can keep what is most valuable to the site. The information accumulated over the years is what makes Simprograms a fantastic site. If it’s all gone? :/
Whatever you decide, please make a final decision SOON. I’ve had to resort to other sources to get the latest information because of the on/off updates here at SP. I would love to continue being a reader here, but I don’t like being the last to know everything. I’m compulsive like that. lol
If you shut down for good, best of luck to you all. It has been a great run. If you choose the Facebook route, I’d love to stick around long as its updated frequently. If you do a reboot on the site, good luck on that too, but I won’t be back for it.
TBS, best of luck on your recovery.
Yea, I will prefer Option 3.
If it is about updating the site, I don’t see why revamping would help (I know how much of a pain revamping a website is, can’t imagine THIS one in particular being revamped agrh), sure it will renew your interes in it one way or another though. So if that’s what it has to be, then I would go for #3.
Or, I would just let things happen as they come, not worry as much and keep posting whenever you can or feel like it. Don’t let a much needed hiatus make you feel like you owe anyone anything or that you must work yourselves to exhaustion.
I want to wish you all good luck, specially TBS. And whatever you end up doing, I’ll support you all. This is my number 1 source for anything Sims related, so I would hate to see you go. Hope to be able to keep reading you for years and years!
Honestly, I would choose Option #1. But this is coming from someone who currently is running sites and has been running different fandom/modding sites for the past 10 years. Sometimes it’s best just to wash your hands of the site, especially if you’ve personally lost passion for its subject matter.
If you start to hear a buzz about TS4 or Sims City looks like something that peaks your interest or if EA can somehow get their head out of the arses and salvage the f*ckery of TS3, then great! You can always start again IF YOU WANT. As long as you feel any kind of obligation, the fun is gone and the site is almost useless for your own ends. There are tons of sites out there for us “the audience” to get info from; if you really can’t arsed with the site…I say kill it and kiss us goodbye 🙂
This is one of the best sites which has compiled together a list of helpful programs and tools for Sims 1, 2, and 3. It would be a huge shame to lose that resource.
It’s real. The world is ending. Simprograms is closing 😐
As much as I love this site I hate to say that its probably best that #1 be put into place temporarily. It seems like the staff needs a break from the simming world, and what better way to relax than just stop updating for a period of time. Leave the site as is, take care of your lives and come back whenever you please. I’m sure the financial strain of keeping the site live is much worse than just closing it out temporarily.
We (simprograms fans) are just strangers. The staff should attend to their real life, figure out what they want to do, and then decide on a permanent solution. The site is valuable as is. I repeat AS IS. If you do a complete reboot and remove everything that is here now (tutorials, programs, patches, posts etc) from the new site, there isn’t really much of a reason to start over. At least that is how I see it. I love simprograms because of the valuable posts over the years. I hate starting new! Maybe take a few months (or a year) and clean out what you don’t like? Sure its time consuming, but at least this way you can keep what is most valuable to the site. The information accumulated over the years is what makes Simprograms a fantastic site. If it’s all gone? :/
Whatever you decide, please make a final decision SOON. I’ve had to resort to other sources to get the latest information because of the on/off updates here at SP. I would love to continue being a reader here, but I don’t like being the last to know everything. I’m compulsive like that. lol
If you shut down for good, best of luck to you all. It has been a great run. If you choose the Facebook route, I’d love to stick around long as its updated frequently. If you do a reboot on the site, good luck on that too, but I won’t be back for it.
TBS, best of luck on your recovery.
option #3 i love this site best.
option #3 i love this best site and best sims!
Who said we’re closing? 😉
Option #1
If you’re not closing, then why the long faced post? Do you guys even know what you want to do? This is the longest running decision I have ever witnessed.
As an addition to my comment above, I have decided to move on from here. Thanks for the wonderful years, but this on and off indecisive updating is really annoying me.
The post (and the closing remarks) is my view. I personally want to be done, but the staff is what keeps it going. It was only brought up (again) because once The Black Scorpion decides to call it quits – it may be fully closed. I’m still training him to take over. Due to the fact that his chemo treatments are coming up, I don’t want any extra stress to be given to him. Hence why we were deciding if it would be best to close, and this post.
The closing remarks are all on me. I want to be done, but I have screwed up this site so bad (on the backend with the horrible design/file management), I’d have to give this site a complete overhaul if I were going to give the reins fully to The Black Scorpion to manage, because he’s not fully familiar with coding/etc. as I used to be.
Jud and rest of the gang… I am and have been a frequent follower of this site. I don’t post many comments but do value the insight and understanding that this site has given me over the years. The ultimate decision is yours to make as some more understanding followers have said. I do know what It’s like to have maintained a fansite for so long to eventually be burned out on the subject and to only keep it running out of obligation to fellow fans. Ultimately it came to me shutting down so I can go one with my own persuits. There are times where I do miss the interaction with the other fans but I don’t regret removing the forced obligation the site placed on me. How ever you decide make sure it’s one that is beneficial to you and not out of obligation to others. As someone said earlier, what good is it to keep doing something if your heart is no longer in it. There’s no benefit from that for anyone. If you decide to close down, there will be many followers that will miss the site, I count myself one of them. But we will understand. Good luck to you all.
I don’t mind if you guys close it, but if it’s worth anything, I only read the latest news, so option 3 still makes some sense I guess, if someone wants to continue it.
In reply to Juds update.
If youve made the decision, then why not begin the process now? By the time youre done,.seasons will be out PLUS Tbs will be done and hopefully recovering from treatments. I see posts added everyday, so I dont understand the delay.
No offense to any of the other staff, but I dint think the site will continue to be a legacy in the community. The site has decreased in quality, and maybe the staff should create their own site, rather than have YOUR reputation handed to them.
Anyway, my bitterness towards the rest of the staff has turned me into a troll. Goodluck with this constant headache. Deuces
@Fiona – it is. I’m working with our tech guy right now behind the scenes and getting a new wordpress installation up and running and slowly start to migrate content over. This site will remain up until I’m ready to switch things over to the new site.
As for being a legacy in the community, that has never been the goal or any intention. The main intention was to inform fans/users on what is going on in the world of Sims/SimCity. I don’t care if we’re hated by many or not #1, the fact is, if someone learns something new about the games they are passionate about, then we’ve done our jobs.
I think option 3 is best for everyone, though if you did shut down this site permanently it could give simsfans.com a chance to reopen! 😀
I love your site and have been a reader here for as long as I can remember. Would miss this site terribly but you must do what is best for your selves. What ever you decide I’m sure most of your followers will understand.
Jud, TBS, and Staff,
I’m not going to be selfish and repeat what many others have said this far to you. Personally, I’m appalled at the insensiitivity I have read so far from some of the commenters. I, honestly, see one route and the most respectful route that you all should take: Shut down the site. Not temporarily, but completely.
Why? Because for the simple fact that I know you all will always be simmers at heart. But, when you lose that drive for something you once loved to do and it’s become a chore and not something that you enjoy, that’s when you need to do a proper closing. You all have a right to do with this site as you see fit and NO ONE has a any right to make you feel bad about that or try to manipulate you about it either!
Your lives, your time is yours. I could clearly see that your hearts are ready to move on. Do so. You don’t need any of us to tell you what to do or confirm you of anything. Plus, and God forbid this happens, Lord God forbid this…but, what if Bruce doesn’t recover from his chemo? This isn’t some cold or flu that this young man is fighting. It’s something life threatening. I, like those who are really genuine about it, would want Bryce to recover fully. But, this site and how people feel about its future shouldnt be anywhere on his mind right now and I’m not going to beg anything of him or Jud or the staff like others have in total disregard of someone life.
I want you all to do what’s best for YOU ALL and not because someone told you to or begged you to. I wish the best of luck to guys. <3
As a Sims site owner, best choose option 3. I’ve done it myself a few years ago and you have no idea how fast everything is back to normal.
Looking at myself, I very understand your reasoning, I was sick and tired of The Sims for over 6 months. Only updated like 5 times a month or so. But now I started playing again and the love for Sims has returned. Now I’m back updating the old stuff and slowly getting there.
I give you much wisdom of what to do and though it may look a bit stormy and unsecure right now, there’s always a way to come out of this even stronger than before.
You owned SnootySims???? :O
OK. Let’s get real.
SimsVIP is the only other major Sims new-reporting site right now (that I know of.) Honestly, I think it’s doing a much better job than you guys with the news, and they even do their own factsheets, which are really great and convenient. So, I don’t know, but closing the site might not be a bad idea; unless improvements are on the way.
I would recommend you just close down the site and move onto things you enjoy more. You don’t owe any of us anything and need to put yourselves first.
The Sims is going to be a less prominent game I suspect as it evolves into an online game in it’s next version. Just look how many of us Sim Citiers are abandoning ship over the online features their forcing into Sim City 5…
You’ve done a great job over the years and we are all grateful to you for it!
i could have suggestions
best is keep open – but just change the format – like removing spore but fousing on sims and simcity 5 – its would become a major site for all news – not only sims – in future – there may a remake of sim tower and etc
I agree with lolifofo… No offense, but SimsVIP has become the lead website for Sims 3 news and the fact that they write their own game guides and fact sheets is a win… I’m sorry but, I have noticed in the past few months almost all of your articles have a “Thanks to SimsVIP” or “Via SimsVIP” if you know what I mean… Maybe it’s due to your lack of interest in The Sims series or Bryce being busy dealing with his health issues (We completely understand, my best wishes go out to you Bryce x:) ) but it is what it is… So my opinion is to shut down the site permenantly, because I think even with more improvements, the popularity and status of this site will remain the same… I was just being honest, not rude. Best wishes to you guys and take your time with your decision, it’s all up to you,
Understood. Yeah, Bryce is mostly going thru his health treatments, and the other staff is mostly busy with school/life. This sites updates are pretty slow, and will continue to be. However, it will be relaunching hopefully by the end of the year – that’s what I’m currently working on and setting up to make it more of a news site and allow for much easier editing for the staff. So we’ll also be hopefully looking to expand the staff as well.
As for SimsVIP – good for her. Alexis is extremely dedicated to the franchise and has done so many great things – but we have no plans to compete to her, or even want to be the number one news site. We report on what we can. 🙂
Please remove this stickied post!
Why is this still stickied if your not gonna close down? Or are you guys STILL undecided?
Thought I de-stickyed this post awhile back? Sure enough, its still up. I un-sticky-ified it.
Current update is that I’m re-working the site on a different server, rebooting/refreshing it and setting up wordpress the way I should of done a long time ago, then I’ll be giving the full reins to Black Scorpion and he’ll be requesting newswriters/more help. But thats far into the future atm.