The Showtime patch is here! You can get it by updating via the Sims 3 Launcher or with a direct link below.
Before installing, be sure to remove ALL CC and Mods before installation.
Europe and Australia Patch Download
All Region Super Patch Download
Patch links via Ricon Del Simmer and The Sims Style.
- Post and view messages from your friends while playing, without having to leave or even pause the game.
- Find new friends and add them to your friends list.
- Access your Player Profile and Wall from the Options Menu.
- Receive status updates from your friends about their game, and comment!
- Achievements—view the badges you’ve earned for those you’ve completed, sort and view those you have yet to complete, and find new achievements, which will be introduced to your game regularly!
- Edit and view your Player Profile, including your avatar, My Story, and wall posts all about you!
- Get all of the latest and exciting news from The Sims 3!
- You can now specify what outfit your Sim will wear to work by using a dresser.
- When a Service NPC joins the family, their special service outfit is added to the wardrobe.
Source: SimsVIP
“You can now specify what outfit your Sim will wear to work by using a dresser.”
Just about the only useful feature in this new patch. Just a shame AwesomeMod did the very same thing two years ago.
Seriously, I’m sick to death of this forced socialisation and online crap creeping into my games. If I want to chat to people in-game, I’ll play an MMO like LOTRO or a proper multiplayer game like Team Fortress 2. I certainly don’t want any of that crap in what should be an offline, single-player game like TS3.
Should I bother to reinstall TS3 again, the first thing I’ll be doing is hiding it behind my firewall to disable all this crap.
“Just about the only useful feature in this new patch. Just a shame AwesomeMod did the very same thing two years ago.”
Correction: AM used a cheat command to do a similar thing two years ago. Still, that’s two years ahead of EA.
I think it can be turned off in the options menu. just check it…
what would be the point of forcing social features on players? What would EA have to gain by doing this beside making money,, and accommodating the needs of more social players? I not sure i understand why people are so upset over these new social features and why they think it’s such a conspiracy on EA part. Just don’t use them, some people want the features, some don’t. I’m sure there’s an off button.
For the record I have no plan of using the these new social features because I don’t have any friends who play the Sims 3. I would like to try simport, but if I can find anyone to use it with then II guess i won’t be using it. i have to admit I would like try it once just to see how it works.
correction: but if I can find anyone to use it with then II guess i won’t be using it. i have to admit I would like try it once just to see how it works
but if I can’t find anyone to use it with then II guess i won’t be using it. i have to admit I would like try it once just to see how it works
You forgot that the new patch added Tofu in the supermarkets to buy and recipes in the book stores for new vegetarian recipes. Mostly the old foods like Tri-Trip Steak for an vegetarian alternative meal.
Why the hell do we need Tofu in the game? Oh, that’s right, this was done by the same morons that put Simport and Katy Boo-berry in the game.
And so it comes to pass… EA finally kill The Sims 3 dead for us. We were expecting this move to be honest. We don’t want all the Social Networking Crap in our game and this is a crafty way to force all players to have it even if they don’t buy Showtime.
Bye bye EA once and for all…
I feel so sad for my old sims right now.
But apparently, its the blinding way of the future. Bye bye, The Sims, hello Simsbook. Im not playing it.
so what does this update mean? should i connect to internet to play sims?? can someone tell me this patch work.
for me that is so cool 🙂
I dont like why they put sims 3 multiplayer i mean we already have freaking farm ville and all tht im going to uninstall it rite now
everything u guys said makes me regret downloadin dis