Yes, this is an actual article…it must of been a slow news day at the site, lol. Milla Jovovich, the actress from The Fifth Element (hawt) as well as the popular Resident Evil movies told InStyle:
“I have a strange addiction to The Sims. All my Sims wind up with this haircut, and it’s always a house full of really hot chicks. I thought, ‘Obviously I want this haircut because I keep picking it out.’”
I guess it’s cool that she plays the Sims. Wonders if she keeps up with Simming news. Doubtful, she’s pretty busy churning out Resident Evil movies alongside with her husband, Paul Anderson. Hmmm come to think of it, EA should give her a Stuff Pack rather than Katy Perry. It’d be fun having Sunset Valley overran by zombies and being able to blow their brains out. Or perhaps they can go The Fifth Element route and have an Alien invasion in which only she is the key to stopping them. Sigh, I just want a sci-fi themed expansion…
The flying cars from The Fifth Element would have been fantastic in Lunar Lakes.
Mmmm, Jovovich…. she is nice to look at 😉