It’s an awesome review!

The Sims Freeplay is a new game from EA for the iPhone, iPhone and iPod. The app is free to download from the App Store, and after a minute or two already finished downloading. That is certainly a plus point though. But does’ The Sims Free Play “honor his name? Basically it is “free” (free) to play, this time you have your own friends do not need to harass them for things like Social Sims, The Sims Freeplay no works quite differently. The times are similar to our time. If your Sim a nap will do for four minutes you can safely put anything else on your iPhone / iPhone do, you will receive an alert if he / she is awake again. The setting for push-up messages, you can also turn off, but sometimes it is handy. For full seven hours sleep can go take a shower and one hour for example. It is convenient to push the area to turn and do something else to do. Waiting and watching a Sim is sleeping is not so exciting.
