Are you a fan of Steam? Looking to pick up The Sims Medieval? Today’s your lucky day – the Sims Medieval team announced that the game has made it’s way to Steam! Right now it’s at the standard price of $50, but seeing as Steam often holds great deals, I’m sure you’ll find it for a lot cheaper sometime in the near future!
Have you mentioned yet, Jud, that sharing memories unlocks some cool store objects?
yep, that shall be covered very shortly! 🙂
The Steam version also contains SecuROM, online activation and a 5-machine activation limit and costs a whopping £35.
Go for the boxed version instead at roughly half the price and none of the DRM.
yay! now I will finally buy the sims: medieval!
why can’t i post anything?
How do you mean?
Is Steam ever going to update to 1.3? I may just have to buy the retail version at some point but the outdated Steam version plays nicely for the time been.