The Sims 3 UK uploaded a few shots of those who attended the UK Generations event last week to facebook. They’re still under embargo, however, so no gameplay screens just yet. But come tomorrow, around 1PM GMT it will be lifted and content will start flowing out!
Hmm No New Pics about this new Expansions Pack 🙁
Wow! A lot of guys playing sims in the UK!
I was going to post these, but honestly its just a tease 😛 I really don’t think anyone expected to see people playing Generations and drinking plumbob cokctails lol
east coast time or pacific time?
Welll….I think the UK is 7 hours ahead of us, so if it is 1PM there, then for us in Central Standard Time, it would be…. around 7-8 AM tomorrow morning?
When they first uploaded this, there were 93 pics. They reduced it to 31 after an hour. They removed some of the picture that shows the monitors of the computers.
Wow! A lot of guys playing sims in the UK, with bald spots!!!