Our friends over at SimFans put their report together from the UK event that was held last week.  They bring to us many pictures from the Create-A-Sim, an interview with EA’s Marketing Manager Aaron Cohen and a lot, lot more!


Why you will not be disappointed with The Sims Middle Ages!

With The Sims is EA medieval new paths – no question. Much is different than in previous Sims games, which means that many SimFansdem title still critical about and convinced not so accurate. We supported you in London and took a look at the game, talked with developers and engineers in advance questions received under the microscope to explain made and to show you in this special, why The Sims Middle Ages is much better than they see so few before. In other fan sites from all over Europe, including France, Poland, Holland, Italy and of course our colleagues from Germany, we have looked at the game – all have gathered many years of intensive experience with any Sims games and know what is a good Sims game arrives. But many have said and agreed that only one recognizes how great The Sims is the Middle Ages, if you played it yourself. Why you should absolutely give the game a chance and why you will not be disappointed with The Sims Middle Ages, I would try to convey in this book. But new details and features from the game play are obviously not enough.

Report here