A new interview popped up over at Cinema Blend in which they interview Associate Producer Grant Rodiek on all things Late Night related.  They tried to get him to spill what is next in the series, but game developers tend to keep their lips sealed until they’re ready to announce the game officially.  They also touch base on a few of the popular glitches that are occurring, stating their care of the Sims 3 series…

As far as some of the glitches that are popping up (the butler disappearing, the excessive vomiting)… Is there an update coming up?

I don’t have details or specifics but I will say, and if you look at our past, this is true, we’ve always supported our games. We’ve supported every launch with updates and fixes. That’s both after the game is released and also when we release new games, we always give new features, new content and new fixes for past expansions to our players for free.

We’re committed to that. We want to make sure that you guys have an awesome experience. We want to make sure that we fix these things and you know, sometimes stuff gets past us but that’s not an excuse. We’re going to find ways and we’ll fix it.

We’re actually looking at the vomiting bug today. We follow the forums, we have a huge community team, not to mention the producers and designers are watching the boards and reading stuff and trying to figure it out, so I don’t have details on specifics but if you look at our past, we’ve always supported our games and we will always support our games. That is a corner mark of who we are. We want to make sure that we’re not just going to sell a game and abandon our players.

interview here (via Sims 3 Nieuws)