PrimaGames released a 25 page preview from The Sims 3 Late Night guide for those interested in a sneak peek. You’ll need Adobe Reader in order to view it (pdf file). Thanks to shortmikez for posting about this over at the official Sims 3 forums.
PrimaGames released a 25 page preview from The Sims 3 Late Night guide for those interested in a sneak peek. You’ll need Adobe Reader in order to view it (pdf file). Thanks to shortmikez for posting about this over at the official Sims 3 forums.
Thanks JUD for the shout out… 😀
Umm, the link only shows the table of contents and then an order page. Is this what it is supposed to be? Your blurb does say a 25 page preview…
Just tried it again – still 25 pages, I’m sure you have Adobe Reader and you can see all of the pages, right?
come faccio ad acquistare la guida per ambitions e late night