For those planning on picking up a used copy of The Sims 3 for Console (specifically the Xbox 360 version), be warned of EA’s new Online Pass system they have implemented to battle the second-hand market. When users buy a new, sealed copy of The Sims 3, a special online pass is included to grant players the use to The Exchange where you can upload and download custom content. It’s a very small download that is roughly 108KB in size and ties into your GamerTag.
If you trade in the game or sell it to a friend or on Ebay, the EA Pass is tied to your account, thus the new buyer will not be able to use it. Instead, they will have to purchase their own Access software rights for 800 Microsoft Points.
Some may agree, others may not. I often buy second-hand games but in this case, I’ll just wait for the inevitable price drop and get a new sealed copy for cheap.
Source: Electronic Theater
It’s EA’s way of getting more money, as they have for the past few years. Eg. The Store etc.