Post is a sticky, so see below for latest updates.

You should already be familiar that I’m a huge Ghostbusters fan and joined my states official Ghostbusting franchise – Alabama Ghostbusters.  With the release of The Sims 3 Ambitions, EA introduced the ‘Ghost Hunting’ career, or to be more exact, the Ghostbusting career.  Well, now that I had some thrills playing the default career, I want to make the game more ‘Ghostbuster’ friendly by adding in various items from the Ghostbusters Universe.

My main goal for this project is to create a replica of the Ghostbusters firehouse – or New York’s Hook & Ladder #8 firestation as it is known in real life.  Shouldn’t be too difficult, the existing firehouse in Ambitions proves that with a little time, it can be done.

However, it’s not fun to create a standard firehouse with regular furniture.  Oh no, that would be…say…boring.  So that’s where you come in!  I’m asking the community to pull together and to send in links of any various Sims 3 Ghostbuster or spiritual items that they can come up with!  Items like a proper Ghostbusters uniforms, Proton Packs, the Ecto Mobile, PKE Meters, computer racks and equipment, containment unit, lab stuff, Vigo Painting, Ghostbusters sign, various paintings – anything that you can think of that would make the firehouse complete.  A ton of reference photos can be found at – have at it!

Anyone willing to send in their items, I’ll be glad to showcase them on the site as well as add them to this post.  As for my firehouse attempt, well it may be awhile before I have something to show, but hopefully I can pull it off!  Good luck, you know how to reach me (either via commenting or sending me an email at

The Creations

Uniform (Thomas Riordan), Vigo (Thomas Riordan), Ecto-1 (xDarkShadowx)