A new interview popped up online today from Digital Spy questioning Grant Rodiek on The Sims 3 Ambitions.  Pretty much the same old stuff we’ve heard in past interviews…wonder why they bother when they can do a simple Google search for most of these answers :/

Were there any jobs you wanted to put into the game but couldn’t?
“Always. We always have far more ideas that we find out they’re not going to be that fun, or we don’t think they’re going to fit, or basically we look at what players think from focus tests and our own internal tests. It means if we keep doing this one we’re not going to be able to do another one, so we cut one and swap out the other. I can’t say which ones we have cut, because honestly we’re thinking about the future where we might want to add new ones, keep people surprised. Assuming this does well we will probably do more.”

catch the interview at Digital Spy