Well guys, get ready to become sick of Ambitions screens because for the next week or two that’s all we’ll see (well, and videos and reviews!). Also, keep note that you may see me post the same screen a few times…it happens. These screens were made possible by The Sims 3 in Russia, Sims.miXei.ru and Sims 3 Nieuws!
I love how detailed this neighbourhood is, what with the fog, destroyed train track and such. Looks awesome!
O… M… G 🙂 Twinbrook looks GORGEOUS.
Great collection of pics, first I’ve seen of the kids’ bake stand, the laundromat, the lawn game.
I just wish somebody would show us more about the consignment store!
who? where? why? how?
Ooh, a china cabinet! And reflective floors! Yay! 🙂 I wonder if that railway is a sign of a functional train system for a future EP? That would be very cool! And yes, the town is by far beautiful and even better than Riverview, possibly more than Sunset Valley but Sunset Valley is more my style compared to the other two. Still, this town is very detailed and well crafted.
Twinbrook looks awesome! I can’t wait to play it.
<3 <3 <3 Twinbrook. One day… …One day… …I'll make a world half that wonderful and atmospheric!
Hawesome! Great scenery and really cool objects. Less than a week remaining! I sure hope my pre-order from EA.com arrives on June 1st.
reflective floors, fog, train tracks, laundry OOOOO MMMMYYY GOOOODDD!
*JAW DROPS* 😮 now whats left to add is seasons pets nightlife makin magic
yippy yippy hurray! CANT WAIT CANT WAIT
*loud screams*
*drum roll*
less than a week remaining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh.My.God!!!! 😛
*faints… again*
woo hoo! oooo mai gosh!