Have you added Will Wright as a friend on Facebook?  You may want to do just that.  He may not use it all that much right now, but according to this following chat that Simillions held with him (I can confirm Will was online at the time it took place) he’ll be using his page to push out his beta projects that he churns out from the Stupid Fun Club!

10:51am Aiden Artyo:  So do you really visit sim-fansites? what ones do you like?

10:53am Will:  Sims Resource has been around quite a while I like the offbeat ones though But too busy with new projects to spend much time surfing lately

10:55am Aiden Artyo:  I’ve just been very curious if you’re the real will cause All your account does is make friends 😀

10:55am Will:  lol, yep, that’s about right Building up my Facebook army. I intend to start using it very soon

10:56am Aiden Artyo:  😛

10:56am Will:  It’s going to be my beta pool for new projects.

full chat at Simillions

Thanks to SimOperations for pointing this out.