My apologies once again with the poll. I was meaning to put up a new question yesterday but the Golden Globe Awards caught me off-guard. However, it was perfect timing – seeing how Avatar ended up winning Best Picture and the poll reflects on the movie. Lets have a look with the poll results for the question: Have you seen the movie ‘AVATAR’ yet?
- Yep, it was amazing! (50%, 365 Votes)
- Nope, not interested (23%, 170 Votes)
- Nope, but will see! (23%, 168 Votes)
- Yes, didn’t care for it. (4%, 25 Votes)
728 voters chimed in, with 365 loving the movie, 168 who will end up seeing it (may already have), 170 who are not interested and 25 who saw it but didn’t care. Now that Avatar has won Best Picture (Drama), does this change your opinion on seeing it? I’m sorry if I’m sounding pushy – but I want to see Titanic go down, and Avatar looks to be doing just that taking in $1.6 Billion worldwide, nearing the $1.8 Billion mark for Titanic.
Now lets jump back over to a Sims-related question. Anyone here got suckered in to picking up the new Sims shirts from Hot Topic?
Jud, it seems you have said it grossed 1.6 million worldwide. if that were true it would be the worst film to have a budget over 200 million! it grossed 1.6 “Billion” dollars world wide.
Yeah, sorry…looks like I let that one slip. Thank you for catching that, I’ll edit it.
Absolutely love the film, it was an incredible experience and was pretty inspiring. I ended up feeling depressed after I saw it because our world is so crap, dull and horrible compared to Pandora haha. Totally wanted to be a Na’Vi for a while too; didn’t like the humans so much in the film.
I think we all got the same feeling. However I knew I’d be dead in the first 5 minutes being one 😛
Either that or I’d miss the jump climbing up to the Hallelujah Mountains
Too bad the director of Avatar is a jerk. This guy says anybody who owns a gun is a redneck. Sure is funny he made a lot of money off bang bang shoot ’em movies.As for the t-shirts, I’m not giving EA any more money until they fix the last patch.
I saw the movie and thought it was very good! The effects were, well, ground-breaking! Some what a “Wizard of Oz” movie of our time (for its technology). The story was kind of ‘blah’ and traditional but the acting was good. So overall it was a pleasing film, and I some what hope they make more, but ONLY if it is pulled off well for a story and the love of making film, and not for money! 😀 And I am meaning to pick of the shirts at Hot Topic, yet school has taken over so much I have almost no time for fun activities and a place where I can breath! haha