I believe I already covered a little about the Spore Digital Media and Learning Competition last month, but Maxis has sent out a reminder to let folks know it is now open for everyone.

Game Changers Competition

Sign up to be a “Game Changer” and earn up to $50,000!

All Spore CREATORS, now’s your chance to create fun adventures, better the community and be awarded some money – all at once. The competition is taking submissions through February 15th so be sure to think about ways to integrate the fun of Spore with learning practices for science, technology, engineering or math and enter your adventure today!

A few weeks ago, EA partnered with the MacArthur Foundation, HASTAC, and the Entertainment Software Association, with the support from our nations’ capital, in a unique competition to help America’s youth learn more about science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). We are urging members of the Spore community to step forward and be a “Game Changer”. You can earn up to $50,000 by creating new adventures and helping Spore gamers to learn about STEM.

  • The MacArthur foundation is looking for adventure proposals combining an engaging gaming experience with principles of STEM learning
  • There are 10 different categories, where winning submissions can earn up to $50,000 in production / development grants
  • Judging will be based on potential of adventure design, quality, integration of learning content, playability and aesthetics

Check out the Game Changers Competition details page to get the full download: www.dmlcompetition.net

For more reference info on HASTAC, The MacArthur Foundation and the Digital Media and Learning Competition, check out the links below: