Brazilian fans may find this interesting. It appears that Baixaki Jogos has listed The Sims 3 as a nominee for the ‘Best Game of 2009’ alongside other games like Resident Evil 5, Uncharted, Call of Duty, Halo OSDT and more. I don’t have much information other than what is provided by AlalaSims below:
The year 2009 is coming to an end. Once again, the universe of electronic entertainment presented us with a plethora of titles. It would be great if we could get them all, but certainly the investment would be extremely high. Fortunately, you get the Baixaki Jogos to stay on top of what is hot in the world of games.
Não há como negar que neste ano tivemos grandes sucessos, principalmente no terceiro e quarto trimestre. There is no denying that this year we had great successes, especially in the third and fourth quarter. Even with a relatively cold start – with only two sets of weight – 2009 has stabilized and turned the tables at the end of the second half, bringing a huge number of excellent games.
But what will be the game that can carry the title of Best Game of 2009? A very difficult question and can not be answered at this point, after all, there are many promising titles that have not been released. But based on our previous and analysis, we decided to create a short list of our competitors to the grand title.
So, check out our selection below. Remember also to give their opinion and comment on each of the games, and also vote for your favorite!
oi pesoal ridicoll
oh i like sim’s very good news for sims