Did you know that the Toyko Game Show event is about to kick off in Japan? I haven’t been keeping up with it, but I did manage to stay awake and catch a live feed of EA’s press conference thanks to Kotaku. MySims Agents producer Mitch Ueno had a brief segment in which he shows the crowd a little bit of the game. Nothing new for those who have been following details about the game since Day 1, but for those who haven’t been keeping a close watch, Mitch mentioned the following:
- We can search for Yeti in this game
- The tag line for this game is: Uncover the mystery. Live the adventure!
- Computer hacking, following footprints, gather info, customize hq. All on Wii
- DS version has 10 mini-games
- Expect it to be released in Japan around October 1
Source: Kotaku (as well as for the image)