Create-A-Movie is a video editor not unlike Windows Movie Maker or iMovie. The only difference is that it’s entirely Web-based and lives on the official Sims site. It’s also designed to be easy-to-use; for instance, different objects such as transitions are associated with different shapes (square, circles). That way, when you make a movie and need a transition between two scenes (which may be associated with squares) is select a square object and drag it into the square slot.

When you get to Create-a-Movie, you’ll see all of the clips that you’ve uploaded. At that point, it’s just a matter of arranging your clips in order, editing which parts you want to use. Then you add transitions and effects, such as fades, blurs, and sepia tones. You can also add captions and a soundtrack, choosing from more than 200-plus musical tracks made for all The Sims games to date. However, you won’t’ be able to upload your own music, probably for copyright reasons.

IGN – The Sims 3 Meets Web 2.0: Introducing the Movie Mash Up Tool Set