UPDATE 4/17/09 – And the winner is…@sinnersatre100!  He was the 1 millionth Aston Kutcher follower, beating out CNN.  EA broke the announcement of the winner by their Twitter page.  Here’s a video recording of the event:

Video chat rooms at Ustream

Do you care about Ashton Kutcher?  I think he’s an okay actor, but other than that…not really.  EA seems to care for him though.  A LOT.  So much, that they are offering a deal.  If you are Ashton Kutcher’s 1,000,000 Twitter Follower, then you’re going to get all of the games that are created by EA of the 2009 year.  Not only that, but they also plan to feature you in The Sims 3!

You can read why he’s doing this (some sort of battle between him and CNN) at GameDaily.  Just be careful…you don’t want to be the 1 millionth follower to wake up the next day to a missing car…