I don’t think this is old news – it’s possible that it could be, but I cannot recall posting about it. Deckerb70 from The Sims 2 BBS found a hidden page on the official Sims 3 site titled ‘Connect, Share, and Shop‘. The information on the page is nothing new, but it does feature 2 cropped screens in which I don’t believe we’ve seen before:
Get connected with The Sims 3 Community. By joining the community you’ll gain instant access to free bonus content including an entire town full of new neighbors, scenery, and more.
Create unique Sims, houses, and objects and show them off to other players from around the world. With the new Movie Mash up tool you can make movies with footage from your very own game and easily share your creations with family and friends.
Customize your game with exclusive, new content from The Sims 3 Store. Shop for new items, outfit your Sims and makeover their homes.
Connect, share ideas, make friends, get the latest news and more with The Sims 3 Community.
I actually had found that page before, before that person.
Since I don’t have any proof I can’t just claim it, but I believe it has been there long enough. The trick is putting a 5 after the “features” word in the URL.
Found out by guessing, it’s called boredom, he he.