First off, let me give a huge thanks to Frankie for finding this cheat. He has checked the readme file that came with the game and discovered that the Maxiods put in a new surprise:
setQuarterTilePlacement [on | off]
After entering this cheat you can turn quarter tile placement on and off using “Ctrl + F” anytime you are in Build or Buy Mode.Quarter Tile Placement allows you to place objects offset from the grid in quarter tile increments.
Note that some objects may become unusable or inaccessible for Sims if placed off the grid, so the use of this cheat is not recommended for anything other than decorative objects.
I cannot test this cheat or provide further details as I don’t own the game, but for those that have it, give it a shot and let me know how it works out for you! And thanks again, Frankie! 😀
You can view screens of the cheat in action at Nick’s post on the Sims 2 BBS.
*Update* 11/20/08
Frankie sent me an update on a few more special surprises the game has to offer. Looks as if Maxis sent the last (to be honest it’s hard to believe that, EA loves money) stuff pack with a huge bang. The list below is what he’s found in the game so far:
- First and foremost, you no longer need your latest EP disc, as this one relies on its own disc like Family Fun Stuff and Glamour Life Stuff had done. So that’s a plus.
- So far only children are able to slide down the stairway rails as an interaction, I assume adults only do it autonomously and I’m not sure about teens and elders yet. 🙂
- The kids get most of the adult hairstyles that came with this pack, but some of them are only for everyday/outerwear, like the hats. Teens get all the adult hairstyles.
- No new clothes, makeup, glasses, etc. Hairstyles are the only new Body Shop items.
- You have to manually turn on the ceiling fans to work but they are under decorations and not lighting like I thought.
- The more eco systems you have the cheaper are your bills… in fact… I never even got bills, what it does is that when you get your bills from the mailman, a notification pops up informing you how much you have been award and how much you saved. Yeah, you somehow get money back, I guess whatever you saved. Either that or maybe it’s only what you saved, not sure, I forgot to check the funds each time.
- You get to smell the flowers. Kids are more animated with it, they get down on their knees and literally have their noses too close to the flowers, I guess to be cute.
- I didn’t get a special download with my pack. I even wonder if there were any this time since most of the times there are.
All in all, it’s definitely a pack worth getting. One of the best SP’s, if not THE best! I got mine at Target for $16.99 and it would be that price through Saturday. I think it’s a great pack for being the last of the Sims 2 series. It literally is like a mini EP since it has new interactions and slightly revised gameplay. You’ll like it. 🙂
Actually I had tried it when I played, I just forgot to mention that to you. What it does is, it divides the grid by four so rather than it being one placement per grid, it’s four placements per grid now. 🙂
Sorry but I disagree about this being the best EP. It totally screwed up my stairs in my houses. If you download a house with the wrong stairs you have to go and take them out or your sims are frozen. I can only use the spiral stairs and the stairs that you add in with separate rails. It also screws up your elevators and closets. I hope they bring out a patch some day. I had no problems with my game before I installed this EP and I have all the other EPS.
how can you all right so much :>
On sims 2 mansion and gardening stuff i saw on the on and off features that there is a picture of a vampire and i was wondering how it works.Ive been on practecly all the websites trying to find how to become a vampire but it just wont tell me.So i desided to come to this website to ask some questions and look around and can i become a vampire on sims 2 mansion and gardening stuff?
as far as i know, you have to have the sims 2 nightlife to become a vampire.
i totaly agree with you about the best SP ever