*updated* Ever get weird vibe that you feel like a chicken with its head cut off running around in circles? That’s what I feel like right now. At first, it appeared that the following was a fake, but according to this post’s comments, the official Brazil EA site has the same image on their page. So I apologize leading everyone saying it was a fake. Guess I’m not that good at reporting news yet 🙂 Thanks again for your comments, I appreciate you folks helping to drive me straight on news!
For some reason, I’m skeptical on this. I mean, more than likely it is true due to the similar art design for The Sims 3 Collectors Edition, but it seems so…plain. Marcos from Sims 3 Maniacos stumbled upon the claimed official boxart for TS3.
I think they made it.
It’s fake. It’s not the first time that this site made something fake and said that’s from EA Games.
Ah…okay. I wish I would of known instead of jumping to the punch, but it’s nice folks like you two who help me out 🙂
I do, however, consider this to be pretty poor attempt for Sims 3 Maniacos to grab hits with fake attempts. If it was clearly stated as a fanmade creation, I wouldn’t have a problem (though I wouldn’t be able to tell if it was as I cannot read their language). I’ll email Marcos letting him know I don’t appreciate of this.
Thanks again, post has been edited.
Hi Judhudson, hi everybody =D
Not is fake, in EA Brasil website show this cover!
Judhudson, are you really sure of that?
Take a look at: http://www.brasil.ea.com/games/15185,PC/
Robert, please be sure of what you’re talking about. Sims 3 Maníacos is a very reliable source and the best website in South America.
Ok again, I edited the post. I apologize, really, I do. It’s just hard for me to pinpoint if it is real or not without an official source – and the comments. I’ve only linked to Sims 3 Maniacos a couple of times on their articles, and this is the first image announcement that I received from them.
Thanks for the links Orteipps and Nicolo, now that I have the official source I can finally feel better 🙂
Even though its been announced official, I believe this is just a temporary pack shot to be displayed on a few sites. I think there is still something more amazing to come.
That is always possible. But then again, if they stick with this boxart, at least you won’t miss seeing the game on the shelf as it’s all green with a logo that takes up the whole box 😛
Tök jó az oldal!