@LosSimsES, the official Spanish Twitter for The Sims, has tweeted this new picture of Mortimer and Bella Goth in The Sims 4!
This confirms that our beloved Goth Family will be returning in The Sims 4, and it appears they’ll be the same age they were in the original Sims game.
You’ll see them both in a new Sims 4 video next week.
This confirms nothing. to be fair really. I mean no offense, I’d love them to be back.. but still…
Does the Star Wars confirm them characters to be in?
This doesn’t deny their existence, but also doesn’t confirm.
I’ve been disappointed once with stuff like that xD
@JohnBigOz — Check our latest post. The Sims page has confirmed they’ll be in the new video next week.
It’s the hair that is making the graphics look so bad, it is too plastic-y and ruins their look.
They are going to be in a trailer, but they might not be in the game… Unless The Sims 4 is going to be a reboot of the story?
maybe it’s beggining of their marriage, before cassandra was born