James from TheSimSupply, who was lucky enough to be invited to SimsCamp, has shared some screenshots of the all-new Create A Sim in The Sims 4!
Please remember that The Sims 4 is only in the pre-alpha development stage and is no where near finished.
If the images don’t load below, then refresh the page! 🙂
Thanks to TheSimSupply
No color palette like in Sims 3? So, The Sims 4 is biger sh*t that I expected…
Vicka , what part of PRE-ALPHA did you not understand? I think it’s obvious a lot of stuff is missing because the assets haven’t been created yet.
Create the style is not in TS4.
I really dislike TS4. It looks awfull.
Why are so many people judging the game by graphics? The cartoony style is great and id rather solid gameplay.
Because graphics is important for alot of people. I want great graphics and great gameplay.
This game will be released in 2014. That graphics would be great for 2004, but not for some game in 2014.
It is really bad.
At no point has the Sims EVER been about graphics. Go play Crysis or something.
Total aggre with Esmeralda, this “game” looks reverse
Ãf the graphics went further then the sims wouldnt run on many computers not every one can affrod a new cópmputer and a high specs and a good graphics
youso you saying sims 4 is dissapoing because of not a create a style is not ýou do know there will be mods to put crete a style in the sims 4
Love it already, so many sliders and i love how you can choose the walk
omg am so exicted looks like i have to save money for a new pc
Looks nice finally no more cartoony face and body structures like sims 3. Sims 4 is a way step up like movin forward able to move n mold sims like clay the shit is da bomb can’t wait but want better clothes like basketball high tops snap backs and gauges with wayfers etc n hair like high fade low fade mowhawks fauhawks with better beard options anyway sims 4 is better can make different ethnic group cause I’m filipino and hawaiian and I can’t make my sim have dat look I have In real life Shit I have definition in my arms legs shoulders but fat in my stomach so it’s gonna be better so far