Rincon Del Simmer has noticed a decorative item in The Sims 3 University Life, which is a sculpture of a branched plumbob. Translated, it’s called “The Way Ahead/Towards The Future”. This can be found at the School of Art entrance.
[flickr id=”8561372291″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”false” size=”medium” group=”” align=”center”]The description is what really had him intrigued the most, which is mysterious.
[flickr id=”8561379153″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”false” size=”medium” group=”” align=”center”]This unique sculpture is a work of art students in their last year donated to the University for the institution Sim expose proudly. participating students were forbidden to disclose what inspired them to create something so baffling. All I said was that they thought it was a sign of upcoming events.
Summary of the object:
- Puzzling plumbob design.
- Symbol of “upcoming events”.
- Origin is “secret of the art students”.
So, what do you think? Is this an easter egg for the upcoming futuristic expansion? More than likely. Or is it once of the first clues for The Sims 4? I believe this is possible as I have a feeling The Sims 4 will be announced this year.
Thanks to Lucas for telling us about this!
That Statue is pretty prominently placed on campus. The blue is what drew me in because I thought it was an odd colour!
I’m sure it’s a hint for the upcoming time travel EP.
I don’t think it’s about TS4. I think it’s about something artistic or crafts (maybe business) or space expansion!!!
It’s definitely a hint for something. You can’t deny that.
This is not first time that EA add some objects to game like sculptures to give a little hint about whats coming on… For example in Showtime neighborhood cemetery you can see sculpture of fairy or in Seasons there is sculpture of mermaid and costume of mermaid (mermaids are officialy confirmed in Island Paradise) so this looks like another hint for us.
When I got a closer look at it, it reminded me of the Tree of Prosperity from The Sims Store, but it’s most likely just a hint for the time travel expansion pack they planned to make.
If this means that Lunar Lakes is going to be included to the expansion pack, I’d be pleased. If not, I hope the Servos from The Sims 1 and 2 make a comback.
Hint for EP 11. EP 11 is about time traveling to the future.
Ooh Electribird, I’d love it if Servos were back! If The Sims 3 is supposed to be before 1, and Simbots were the original Servos, then the Time Travel EP would be the best spot to bring them back! They keep saying we’ll be travelling to the future… 🙂
Maybe in the future we’ll be able to play The Sims 4 on computers in our games?…
I think it is a hint for the future expansion. It makes perfect sense. I do agree with your prediction that the sims 4 will be announced this year.
MapleSim, I’m hoping for the same thing! Not only do I miss the Servos, when you use the time machine in The Sims 3 Ambitions, you get a pop-up about something hugging you and thanking you for its existence, if I remember correctly. I’m 50% sure it was a Servo, because it didn’t say it was a SimBot. I also wonder how SimBots and Servos would get along…
Tom, I hope you’re right, because I doubt my computer can handle more than a few more expansions for The Sims 3 now.
Its obviously a hint to the Futuristic EP thats out in the Autumn. Theres plenty of life left in TS3, TS4 will more tha likely be released in 2015
^^Electribird – I’m thinking some sort of Mortal Combat would be the perfect thing for Servos and Simbots to do when they meet.. or get on each other’s nerves too much. Kind of like a “sibling rivalry”? I haven’t done too much of the Inventor track (shame on me, Ambitions has only been out since pretty much forever), but that pop-up seems awesomely nostalgic!
Sibling rivalry or master-and-adept relationships, MapleSim. Either way, I’m game! 🙂
I would love Servos too.
Also there’s an inscription in the statue “Ghairja Mokoi”,or so it seems to me.