Well, it looks like the Spooky Day Embargo is over. So now the first preview of this awesome day in Seasons has arrived via iSims! WOO!
Halloween … or “Gruseltag”
As you may already know, Halloween is known in the Sims “Gruseltag” (English Spooky Day). It is always held on the last Monday in autumn. The week before the Monday calendar is in Sims (on the bottom bar at “work”) painted red, so you will not forget! If the time has come then, begins the great fun! The children of the Sims can then choose a costume and wear it to ask for the houses in the area for something sweet or sour. The various items of clothing ranging from “Alien” to a “hot dog” and can by your first on your Sim and then “Change Outfit” clicks to admire.
It really is fun to ring in the houses to get candy. The acquired treats the Sim can then eat yourself or share with others. They appear as candy in your inventory. It can also happen that the household residents simply ignore you or scare! Then, if you have installed the extension “joie de vivre”, you can still make doorbell pranks or throw the house even with eggs! So you can go round from house to house with the hope of sweets, so long until it gets dark and then the day passes.
Something that can beautify your Gruseltag, of course, the new pumpkins! The Sims, they can only grow in the garden and then either cook meals with, or purely slash different patterns and make them out of the house. The choices are many “pumpkin faces”. So you can choose whether the passing children really scare (angry face) or they would like to warmly welcome you with a peaceful pumpkin.
Yay, someone finally posted something about Spooky Day! Thank you TBS