The Sims Hub has been writing their visions and ideas for The Sims 4, and their hopes for the inevitable next instalment of the franchise. I enjoyed reading it – they suggest some interesting things.
Click here to read the ideas of The Sims Hub for the next instalment!
We feel that it’s time The Sims franchise went back to its roots; back to its charming, fun and wacky self. The Sims franchise over the years has seen quite a few changes, many of which haven’t been received too well by fans of the series. We believe it’s time for another change; a 180-degree turn back to where it all began. Why? Because the earlier titles are the most loved by players. We don’t mean completely throw away everything the franchise has done over the years. Generations introduced in The Sims 2 will obviously stay, as will the open world nature and personality traits of The Sims 3. But the franchise needs to look back on where it came from. This isn’t purely for nostalgic reasons, it’s because that’s what we feel The Sims should be like; how Will Wright originally conceived it.
Source: The Sims Hub
This is great! I’ll sure be happy if they included some of the features from this list in the Sims 4.
Nice ideas, but in my opinion, it’s a very “adult” concept for the game, and it’s very clear that EA is addressing the franchise to a more teen audience.
The big problem to make a The Sims 4 game online is = what if I want to live in the same city, in the same house as someone, who is also online multiplay user? – In doing so, he may have moved into this house before me and there is not enough land in the city for millions of players … It will be like the The Sims Social on facebook with better graphic or, there will not be any … And if they still made 4 Sims game, everyone will have to create own street where they will live , and in this way, we will all collectively broaden the city – which is the better option.
Great city may have to be “first Server is filled “=” 1. part of city is filled, ”
and then, new users will be make another city, or another server with its streets and houses. ‘d like to be The Sims 4 and offline (Without connection, but with connection) , but when reattaching connection to internet, then will be uploaded online, all that we played in offline mode …
Some nice ideas here, I’m not so keen on the idea of loans and interest rates, though one thing I would love to see is child support payments for parents that are not together and inheritance like we had in TS2 but improved. Overall though I really like their ideas and I would definitely buy that game, I am very concerned as to what EA will do with TS4 however and not sure I will buy it, I’m afraid it will be too online and social networking focused.
I wish they’d drop the social networking crap, it is trending out. It is dying out and frankly, good riddance. So no, I hope they don’t make it Social media oriented and online all the time and digital download only either….Otherwise there will be one less Sims player in the world.
I second the opinion that social networking stuff is too gimicky for a game like this. I liked the idea of the news ticker (it should say when people are *about* to die in case they are in one of my other families), though the idea of pets from the start sounded kind of stupid. Pets would be too much to take care of when you are still exploring the base game.
I liked the general idea of more realistic careers, but I would hate Diner Dash in my Sims as much as Farmville. I think there’s definitely less choose-your-own-adventure type stuff than there could be. It would be good if they differentiated certain careers more. Like you could get experience in the right direction with certain lower level jobs (they definitely need playable babysitting for teens– the mechanics already exist!) and a certain level of education and then apply to specific jobs. And certain things like politics or criminal should work differently. I don’t know why he thought the mayor should be an NPC. It could be fun to earn your way to being able to play mayor!