Old Poll First + Results
How would you feel if future Sims 3 Expansions or The Sims 4 used Cloud Storage for saves instead of saving to your PC/Mac?
Super Pissed!!! (46%, 502 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,091
I’m kinda getting into these Sims 3 house building videos. Dunno if it’s because shows like This Old House or what, but I do. Anyways, there’s a couple house builders that we follow and occasionally we post their vids along with links to their houses. Due to a slight attitude change by one house builder and finally doing something in a different type of Sims 3 vid, we’re considering adding him to this list. Thus this leads us to the new poll…
New Poll
We sometimes post house building videos by Chrillsims3 and a few others. If we made this a regular thing, would you guys and gals also like to see house videos by Curtis Paradis?
Let’s talk more on this in the comments section of this post.
NO, do not do it. We can so easily go to youtube and go to his channel we don’t need reminding of his stupid annoying videos.
Also can you please do decent polls. Recently all the polls on this website have been really bad!
Yes, I really like Curtis Paradis’s houses, especially his vista and Ark House.
@Mike: Actually, his videos are quite funny and he seems like a friendly guy.
They just don’t seem at all creative, take the last one… it was so boring and the answers were really long. I’m glad you did the simple yes, no, maybe and who? but I think you should ask more relevant and simple questions like let’s say “Do you want University, Farming or a Holiday expansion pack” something like that. It’s relevant because we’re coming to the end of the series and there are loads of rumors and stuff going around.
How so?
This poll will only last a week. After that I’ll do one similar to your example. But polls like this will be done from time to time. It’s good to get feedback from our readers on what they want us to cover, what they like/hate and any improvements they would like to see. But at least you don’t have to look at the same poll for a month, if not longer like a few of the other fansites. We do a new one every week or two. 🙂
I beg of you please do not post them. I don’t want to bash, but there’s far better talent out there who deserve a spot.
We already do machinima mondays, thanks to Austin, we post the occasional videos – I personally dont feel this site needs Curtis Paradis or ChrillSims3 videos – we should stick to news etc.
So then Machinma videos on Mondays and house building videos on say Wednesdays. Won’t hurt us to do them.
I know that in this comments section of this post that there will probably be more people against including his videos, but if the ‘yes’ option on the poll wins in a weeks time, there’s a good chance that you will occasionally see his house videos on this site.