Via: The Sims Hub
For the British set, we chose England’s Big Ben for the landmark. We looked for a style of architecture that was uniquely British and popular during the time Big Ben was built (so the RCI surrounding it would provide context). We settled on the Georgian-style of architecture popular throughout England and its colonies (including America) during the 18th and early 19th centuries. This is a style that’s functional, no-nonsense, and employs simple materials such as brick and stone. These are boxy, multi-floor buildings with classic proportions based on mathematical ratios, multi-paned windows, gabled and gambreled (think barn) roofs, and multiple chimneys. You’ll quickly identify these buildings with their red and brown brick facades, clean white trim, and cool grey roof color schemes with Big Ben.
These are only available if you buy the Digital Download Edition direct from Origin…
Sim City has the following restrictions (features) that have all been stated by Maxis employees:
You must connect to Origin to load your city (see next item).
Games are saved to the cloud (EA Servers).
Saved games once loaded must be saved so you can’t change your mind and go back and reload the city.
Other players Cities will influence yours even in ‘single player’ mode.
No god mode terraforming. (This includes how much resources are available and where they are).
No modding allowed at launch (if at all).
Population of city limited to a maximum of 200,000.
The city tile size is only equivalent to a medium city in SC4.
You only get European building sets if you buy the game as a digital download direct from origin.
As I said all these items have been confirmed/stated by EA/Maxis staff in various interviews so are not guess work…
Considering CitiesXL went down the ‘shared online planet’ root and it resulted in Monte Cristo Games going bust it seem madness!