I still say this is stupid. Especially for those of us that will mainly play single player. Ya know?
Three Maxis employees demonstrated this to us: when one encountered problems powering his entire city, another took notice and was able to offer a power link her city to his. Later, the three players teamed up to build an airport, widening the reach of all three of their cities. Not all the multiplayer is positive, however – in another…
Source: GameSpy
Article found by Rincon Del Simmer
This still explains very little for why there is no offline single player option. Why cant Maxis/EA give us a straight answer?
Is it online only for piracy reasons? Is offline play impossible because simulations in your town require a connection to the global market? What will happen to the servers if the game does not sell well initally or when sales began to wane in later years? How are games stored or saved?
well like cities XL which had servers BUT latter the single player is offline version of online
@Andrew, I’m going to need to see Maxis/EA put their plan for this in writing. If they go the Cities XL of makinf offline an option after the servers go down then at least that solves the longevity issue. I still don’t like the Big Brother aspect to the “always online” bit.
I don’t care what their reasons for online play are, some players are still in areas where dial up is all they have, others like me don’t like the idea of playing multiplayer.
So again I say – NO SALE Maxis.
EA want the game ‘always online’ so they can force feed everyone Adverts for downloadable content! Simple greed, and the worst part is people let them by buying the game!
I won’t be getting Sim City as I have no desire to be connected to other people, and like to play in solo mode.
If they had made it optional then I would have got, so they have lost a sale already, and I bet they have lost many others.
Still I suppose if other people want to let EA dictate to them when, how and what they play then that is their choice.
What infuriates me is how EA and all these other big game companies assume we are all are highly-connected gamers with highly-connected, gaming friends. I for one know nobody who would ever consider playing these games – and my internet connection is decent but could get expensive if I’m doing something that is constantly sending and receiving data!
Yes, this is still horrible to swallow. I don’t know if it’s a bad feature, it just tecnically and financially impossible for a lot of people around the world… dunno if i’ll ever get this, and if I get the game, by then the servers will probably be out of order.
I agree totally!