A bit thanks to Les Sims Wiki for commenting on our earlier post!
It appears that EA actually announced Seasons last week, according to French website. They feature Sweet Treats, Supernatural, and underneath the Supernatural trailer we get the following:
Acclaimed by fans of Sims 2 in February 2007, the extension "Seasons" returns Nov. 16, 2012 in Sims3. To you, snowball fights, snow in the winter before returning to the cottage, summer water sports or lazing by the pool of your villa … watch out for sunburn!
November 16th would be the UK release! I am hoping this comes after Supernatural… is TS4 approaching faster than we expected?
Wow, just wow. I did not expect this ina million years.
This must be great 🙂
Its Supposed The Sims games are for PC, not for consoles!
its not announced its been leaked
Wow, that is great 🙂 I know Seasons will be the one anytime like Pets. Nov? Too close after Supernatural. Wow. I am sure a trailer will be leaked from one of the countries like Supernatural from Russia before the U.S. one. We’ll see.
They’re doing it because the sims 3 is wrapping up and winding down. Only 2 more eps to go next year then it’s on to the sims 4. I hate to see it sims 3 series die but I look foward to the sims 4 in 2014.
Someone in the forums had a interesting idea about this. EA had a disappointing year with some games. Seasons would be a guaranteed money maker. We know that they have been working on weather at least since LN. It probably wasn’t a huge stretch to release it. They are going to make a fortune with Sims 3 this year. I would love to know what the numbers end up being. I, personally, have spent a lot and I didn’t even buy KPST.
Sounds like they’re rushing the EPs in order to announce TS4 as soon as possible. And that’s fine for me.
I just hope they get back whoever came up with the themes for Sims 2 cause Sims 3 has been bad in themes.
I’m getting really excited now, it seems as good as confirmed. I wonder what they mean when they say “cottage” and “Villa” just trying to vary the descriptions, lost in translation or could we possibly be seing proper vacations with Seasons? It’s unlikely but it would be nice!
This is awesome news. Now I have two eps to look foward to supernatural and seasons.
You can guess in November with seasons will come swimming in the ocean,diving boards and pool slides.
Now I’m hopeful the trailer will be released soon.
Great an all but I wish they would release more console Sims games. They have made two, that’s all. Lame.
I wish we’d get a TS3 version of Bustin’ Out!
i’m sure sims 3 seasons will be announce after diesel release
If they announced it… why no trailer yet?
I can’t wait for Sims 3 seasons
It would be a first for sure having 3 expansions in one year… especially two so close together. But in a way it makes sense since Supernatural is so focused on the supernatural and magic…whereas Makin’ Magic had much more appeal to a general audience, that it would be a wise choice to have two popular choices out at once to appeal to everyone.
I’m intrigued about the idea of water sports and maybe having a cottage. Now that we have an Amazon listing we could already have an official announcement next week, as crazy as that sounds. That’s usually how it’s happened when a new EP or SP pops up on Amazon.
I just hope they show the two pool items everyone wants in the trailer along with Aliens or an Alien Abduction of a Sim. Oh and be ready for Sims 4 at E3 or Gamescom 2013.
They are still going to release 2 more EPs next year. There will be 9 total. So yeah, they are rushing it, to finish so they can announce S4 for 2014, or maybe even 4th Qtr. 2013. They have a set rhythm to this. I still don’t plan on investing in S4 till the first couple eps come out so I can see if ppl bitch or rave about them, and which vote outweighs the other…Of Course, that could be said now too, for every EP someone hates, there’s 2 ppl who like it. SO…I dunno.
Although, according to Certain magazines, they say by next year Desktops/Laptops/Pcs in general will be obsolete and replaced by tablets. So that may change the playing field some. But then again, look at Blu-Ray, it was supposed to replace Dvd and it hasn’t yet. People get tired of replacing stuff for the next big thing after awhile.
Water sports????
Where is everyone getting their facts about having more than 8 expansions? A lot of people keep saying there will be two more next year. Show me the receipts I say!
Well, awhile back, we discovered they had “Videos” pages on The Sims 3 website, and there were 10 of them (10 for EPs and 10 for SPs). (Finding the EP4 “Video” page which was labeled Generations was the very first leak for Generations)
Just because its being released 2 months after another EP doesnt really mean their rushing anything. At this point in the race they might as well just release what they can when they can. Supernatural was mainly being developed at another studio, and not the redwood shores campus. Obviously the sims studio in RWS was a part of the development of course, but not as much as previous games developed there. They have probably been working on weather in the game side by side with the base release. Really to me it seems like other teams have been working on the PC franchise, seeing as we havent heard anything new about a console game in awhile. So I really dont believe anything is being rushed at all, they just have more people working on more things.
im going to stop with the sims 3 its already takes up to much space on my pc plus it get annoying that i have to clear out the caches every time i play plus having to play in windowed mode to help my game run beter only for it to start freezing half an hour to and hour in although the freezes only last like 10 seconds but its annoying my pc is a gaming one yet the sims till slows down but im am looking foward to this if its true which it think it is 🙂
Console game fo
The game was originally made BY the pc FOR the pc. Of course there isn’t going to be many console ports. Be glad that you even HAVE console ports.
It hasn’t been confirmed, doofuses. It’s probably just another rumour, even though I do want seasons!
It is on thesims.com http://thesims.com/en_us/products, so I would say its official
And now its official? Saw the trailer and it looks great!! What could the system requirements be??