This is EA NEWS and NOT Sims news. Although it might be related to Sims in the future.
Right now EA is mainly talking about bringing their sports games to the Wii U and 360 SmartGlass, but we could get a Sims game on them someday as well. Wouldn’t that be sweet for the console Simmers? 🙂
Weber knows that similuation sports titles (except for Tiger Woods PGA Tour and some solid Pro Evolution Soccer entries) carry a lot of baggage on any Nintendo platform after the GameCube. Weber vows they’ll overcome that legacy on Wii U.
“I can’t really talk about it much, but I think what we’re doing is really cool,” Weber said. “Maybe we’re not hearing a lot about [Wii U] today or in this week, but I certainly believe it’s going to be a product we’re going to be proud of.
“Here’s what I will say, and she,” Weber added pointing to a publicist sitting in on the interview, “may not want to hear me say this, but it’s the truth: Whatever we release on the Wii U will not be a cartoony, dumbed-down, arcade football experience. It will be the real deal, HD simulation football.”
Not too surprising, whenever there’s some kind of new technology EA is usually one of the first companies to make games with them. With Wii MotionPlus they actually came out with a MotionPlus compatible Tiger Woods game a month before Nintendo released Wii Sports Resort.
Ugh no, Sims 3 on console was just bad and if they’re gonna go with something “Sims: Snapcity” then that’s even worse.
Unless it’s something like Sims 2 Castaway of Sims 2’s PS2 version (bar PS2 Pets), then I’m all for it, but I don’t play 360 or do I play on playing Wii U once it’s out.
Well I hope they do more for console. 🙂