You bought a Sims 3 game in the future and you saw the Maxis logo on the front of the box? After doing some investigating thanks to a lover of SimPrograms, I’ve discovered that the Maxis name is used throughout the company now. For instance, not only do we have Maxis Emeryville, but EA Redwood and EA Salt Lake have both been renamed Maxis. So technically there’s still The Sims Studio, but they’re located at Maxis Redwood. So, how excited would you be if you saw the Maxis logo on a Sims 3 game?
It doesn’t make any diffrence, if the same people who worked on previous expansion packs still work on it right now then the quality of the games is still going to be SHIT.
Maxis name on a buggy game. Please NOT!
yeah i love to see Maxis logo on it means i like it because EA never should take over so they need return maxis back to SIMS games means Sims 3 will be better at end
I think it’s more to the direction of EA than the people working on the expansions. Most of them who you see in the credits did work on Sims 2 and Sims 1.
Now that Rod Humble has gone, the franchise did get better – but all these special Katy Perry endorsed things are more down to EA than the team.
I don’t mind who’s logo is on the cover as long as there are no bugs in the game. But it seems to me while maxis was calling the shots and not EA the game was a lot better.
Maxis doesn’t deserve to have connections with horrible game company’s like EA. If EA started to produce much better games, with much less bugs, glitches, etc. Then I would be happy with maxis’ name on it.
Just to clarify EA owned Maxis right from the start of the Sims …. It didnt just transfer then go bad.
It would warm my heart, yet in reality, it wouldn’t make a difference. It would be cool if Joss Whedon consulted on the writing of the game. He has the Sim humor. They need to run the game by him and ask him, “Is this funny?”, and when he says no, he can tell them how to fix it.
If that Maxis still had most of the people who worked on Sims 1 and Sims 2, then I would feel good. If not, then a name wouldn’t matter that much to me.
It’s just a logo, same quality.
They ovbiously are using Maxis name as marketing… We all know that the Sims has lost all the quality of a Maxis game…
I’m really starting to hate simgurugraham, he’s like a sect member.