Ladies and Gentlemen. Boys and Girls. SimBots and Vampires. It’s time… FOR A NEW FREAKIN’ POLL!!!
I thought up this one a week or so ago and I’m excited to share it! But first, the results of the previous poll!
Which of the popular Sim families listed below is you favorite?
WINNER – Goth (46%, 425 Votes)
Total Voters: 931
The Goth family quickly took the #1 spot in the poll on day one and stayed there until the end of that poll. So, how many have a crush on Adult Bella?
Anyways, it’s now time for the new poll. After watching the announce trailers for the many Sims 3 add-ons, I had an awesome idea for a poll.
An announce trailer is usually our first look at an upcoming Sims game. That being said, Which Sims 3 add-on has the best announce trailer?
Consider everything from the song used, the footage, the items shown and etc. Also think about how excited you were about the game after seeing it. For me, it’s the Generations announce trailer. Now go and vote… Now GO!!!
One last thing, check out each trailer below!
I’m torn between Late Night (the anno. trailer, not the one above) Generation, and Master Suite Stuff. Late Night’s is “right”, Generation’s is touching, and MSS is humorous.
Adore Generations trailer, my favourite EP too.
Just a note, you posted the LN Launch Trailer instead to the Announce Trailer.
I’m sorry to nitpick but regarding the new poll there is no such thing as an “announce” trailer. It’s “announcement”.
It was so much fun watching these again, what a fun poll. Generations is so sweet. It’s got to be my favorite, but when I watched the World Adventure video, it was weird. I could feel that first EP excitement still. It was a new idea and I had such hopes. I still have to stay with Generations.
Late Night launch trailer now apart of the post.
Nope! EA refers to them as an “Announce Trailer”. Their press releases are the same, so that’s why it’s announce trailer. 😛
Nice recopilation ^^
ambitions, generations and pets ^^
Ambitions does the furtherest to actually explaining what gameplay is in the pack, albeit in a much more exciting way than the gameplay allows.
It’s a close call between Generations and Ambitions for me. I really felt TS2 vibes coming from the Generations trailer. Ambitions wins though because of how epic they made it look, the awesome Rise Against music helped a lot. The firefighter profession got me really excited. PEPS for me was definitely the worst when waiting for that EP. The Pets announce trailer was great but I prefer the second one (the trailer with the Asher Roth song).
They are incorrect too. But if you want to mimic bad grammar it’s your choice. The EA PR reps need to go back to school.
It’s NOT just EA that calls them “launch trailers”, everyone in the gaming industry does as well. So GET OVER IT!
Case rested, won’t bother checking the post again.
Have a good day.