So thanks to IGN, we now know that EA has released a statement on this and it turns out to be false. The message was sent by mistake… Sure it was. I smell damage control.
“Rock Band for iOS will remain live – the in-app message users received yesterday was sent in error. We apologize for the confusion this caused. We’re working to clarify the issue that caused the error and will share additional information as soon as possible.”
Original below.
So the other day we told you how EA/Playfish was killing Restaurant City, now it’s Rock Band for iPhone reports MacRumors. Oh and if you still have the game on your iPhone and think you’ll still be able to play it, guess again. $$$ down the drain.
EA is telling owners of Rock Band for iPhone that as of May 31, the game will “no longer be playable on your device.” Most users probably expect that a game they paid $4.99 for — and that is still on sale, with no suggestion that the game will be useless in a month — wouldn’t suddenly stop working, especially when Rock Band offers a number of song packs as in-app purchases.
that’s shame – the games will be thrown in bins and wasted – i think game stores will stop stocking them and dispose them in bins means they will end up on landfill
So I hear SimCity 5 is going to require internet connection. I wonder if this may happen to SC5 in the future…
Mistake?! At the rate EA is going this year they might get voted the worst company in America 2013.
Just wondering. Innocent queztion. Are you guys going to start picking up non Sims non maxis games?
At this time we are still mainly about Sims and SimCity. However, we will report EA news from time to time. The only time we might feature an article about a non EA/Sims game is during E3/Gamescom when a new GTA V trailer is released. 🙂
I like tne EA news you throw out, but I find this article which is specifically about ONE other EA game, odd. well time to use the category as my landing psge as I dont care about EA iPhone games that have nothing to do with sims or maxis
Wow I didn’t think they’d make the whole game stop working, I figured they’d just take down the DLC. I really hope this isn’t going to become standard across all gaming platforms in the future.
The message Rock Band for iOS users received yesterday alerting them to the fact that the game would be rendered unplayable at the end of this month was sent by error according to the company.
In a statement provided to CNET this afternoon, Electronic Arts said the message was a goof:
“Rock Band for iOS will remain live – the in-app message users received yesterday was sent in error,” the company said in a statement. “We apologize for the confusion this caused. We’re working to clarify the issue that caused the error and will share additional information as soon as possible.”
Goof? My BS detector is going off at an alarming rate. They deliberately typed that string and included it in the game. No reason to do that unless they plan to use it at some point. They can’t even do damage control properly! Jesus-tapdancing-Christ, why do they keep treating us players like we’re a bunch of freakin idiots…
I like the odd EA news. Its fun to see how much fail they do lol
Yes it will. EA have a habit of switching off their multiplayer servers after 12-18 months and anyone who believes that they won’t do this with Sim City is incredibly foolish IMO, given their past record.
Their own EULA (which by the way isn’t legally binding here in the UK because it is illegal to sign away your statutory rights) states that they can “retire” their services with 30 days notice without any form of compensation to you. As EA view all their games as “services”, you can see where they’re going with this.
If EA does this to SC5 or TS3 (I’m not sure what their exact plans are for TS3 yet) it wont go down well with the players for neither community surrounding each series. I personally don’t view games as “services” as EA does. SC5 should not be built around requiring internet connection to play if they plan on “retiring” their SC5 servers in the future. The SimCity community has been very active from the release of SC4 to today (Jan 2003 – May 2012), thanks to all the SimCity fansites and mods that players created. Would the SimCity player base still be what it is today if the game became unplayable years ago? While I know SC4 does not require internet connection and it is obviously still playable today, its an example of what bad could happen in the future with this new “game model.”