Watch the video below to hear him talk about a new social Sim game that’s gonna be “all over the news”. I just know it’s gonna be SimCity Social.
Source: SimsVIP and The Sims Hub
Watch the video below to hear him talk about a new social Sim game that’s gonna be “all over the news”. I just know it’s gonna be SimCity Social.
Source: SimsVIP and The Sims Hub
This was rather interesting how he chooses to defend EA’s falling stock prices, etc…
Funny how he never mentions the products they are producing per say but more about a “transition” to a new business model.
I dunno, being voted the worst company in America or whatever it was…might want to look a little more into your products as well…
So does this mean the sims social will be replaced?
This one doesn’t sound interesting. My pc can’t hardly play the sims social because it crashes. This will probebly be the same.
I prefer single player mode to online. I hope the sims 4 won’t be online.
Seeing how games are created nowadays, the Sims 4 integrating online wouldn’t be a surprise at all. Which sucks. I don’t like the path gaming is going in general. I like sims as a single player experience that I can share through pictures and legacies and stories, not as something everyone can see and interact with my sims because, hey, I don’t want random people to see my game, I want my sims to interact with sims I don’t control and such :/
That being said, haha, maybe (and I said maybe) a Simcity social would work for some people. It’s a whole new concept of online gaming (not really new but, you know, other than the sims social). Maybe fans would like it?
I just wish that they replace this new social game with ts4 and send this rock bottom ts3 franchise to hell. Yeh but that would be in my perfect world.
A second TSO?
“EA’s gross profit went from 49% to 60%”
I would like to know how that translates to net profit.
I HIGHLY doubt a second TSO Jonny, if it was id seriously crap myself – laminate it – and frame it on my wall.
Most likely SimCity.
Nice reply Spon, haha! :p
Well we can dream! The only thing that concerns me about SimCity Social is that the new SimCity already has a similar feature.
Do we really need SimCity Social? We already have Cityville, which is really popular. Would people make the switch, and would it be worth it?