Gee Brain, what do you wanna do tonight? Same thing we do every 2 weeks, try to takeover the world!… But first, come up with an awesome new poll.
Last week we asked…
So far we’ve had The Sims, The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 in the main Sims Series. How would you feel if instead of a sequel in Sims 4, we got a reboot called ‘The Sims’?
The winning vote was…
I don’t care as long as it’s looks and plays like the previous games.
(28%, 226 Votes) Total – 800 Votes
Seeing how we had some negative feedback about that poll and after very little sleep and giving it a whole lot of evil thought… Here’s the new poll question!
What are your favorite websites for obtaining Sims/SimCity News?
Be honest in making your decision, as you can vote for multiple sites. After you vote, tell us in the comments section of this post what factors went into your decision. Is it a specific feature of the chosen site(s), the lack of annoying non-Sims posts? Be brutally honest, we can take it.
P.S. Anyone see the joke answer? XD
Hey Simprograms, can you too add me big Sims News website from The Netherlands?
Name: Sims3 xD
(domain coming soon)
*My big sims news website
Aww, I see the admins need some cuddling!
Of course is I have Simprogram as main site for sims news. I can see love for the game, and some critic perspective when it’s needed. And if the news sometime make me almost ill, I can at least vent some anger in the comment, in a healthy way, of course. 🙂
Yeah, or at least show an option to view the desktop site. My phone (and most phones these days) are powerful enough for the desktop version.
SimPrograns (duh), SimsVIP and SimsGalore (other)
Some sites are hunters (of the news) and some are gatherers. I voted for SimPrograms for its gathering. It may not be the first, but always complete.
Since you asked…
I have always been coming to Simprograms for all things Sims and EA. What like 7 years now? Now I have to admit, being the only English based news source around, it was nice to finally have a fresh new site to visit. In the real world, variety is what keeps everyone alive right? 😉
Simsvip has a very different way of reaching out to their members, and most of the reaching is to give those of us who still enjoy the game, some hope. I do understand that everyone is entitled to an opinion, but Simprograms became a bit too much to deal with bashing wise. Both by the readers and the administrators. Its like Simprograms became the “Mares Nest” of sims world where people can actually leave comments. lol
Before someone tells me “oh simsvip is a fluffy site and EA is god over there”, that is not the case. Being a fansite administrator or webmaster, means that they should enjoy the content being thrown out to the readers. Just because we like something means we praise EA? Its a game people! lol It is very hard to say you are a FANsite if you HATE everything you cover. If you visit the Katy Perry fansite for example, you dont see “I hate this shit” posts. lol I can understand if Judson, TBS and spoonplayer give an opinion via the comments, but actually bashing the entire news article before I read it? It’s like you’re telling me, why bother reading?
Another thing I like about simsvip is that they always cover the new store sets, create some fantastic guides and also have a very clean way of putting the news out. Don’t get me wrong I still come here to SP on a daily basis to check for EA news in general, but my first visit of the day is not here anymore. Plus, the general news on EA is usually something I can find on IGN or Gamespot.
I love the Sims series and I grew up with it, so I want to be giving my attention to a site that gives me exactly what I want, rather what THEY want. Sometime I feel like SP has gotten in way over its head. The way I see it is, just because you have been around for 10 years, doesnt mean you are the only reliable good site. Change is good, I need it, and I love it.
The poll only let me choose one, and that was simsvip.
Oh and I completely agree with Justin and Bas. This site is terrible for mobile devices and tablets. The only way for me to use this site is on a computer, which is another reason why my visits have decreased. Not to mention any videos or photos cannot be seen at all on mobile. :/
Oh and I also wanted to add, I hate the direction EA has taken with the series, but I still love the game and will play until my fingers fall off. 😀
I’m limited to a certain number of choices. Also, for any sites not listed, there is the “Other” option.
The mobile version and iPad version of this site is very limited. I can never take polls cause the sidebar doexnt show, or see videos. Im hardly ever on my PC, so maybe you can change this? 🙁
TBS, the site already has a mobile site , and that is the problem. Removing the mobile version of SP would greatly improve the experience from smartphones.
This is what the site looks like from a phone
and this is how a post looks with any type of media content in it
I believe judson created a special mobile type site when accessing SP through a phone. The problem is, the site is very very limited and is not mobile friendly. Removing the mobile version would allow us to access the full site without needing a pc. With everyone using a smartphone now a days, not all of us run to our computers lol
What is the point of this type of poll? Are you trying to stitch the site in stone? Ugh this is exactly the reason why Simprograms is declining…
I personally don’t usually bash EA, I usually makes jokes. I love The Sims 3, but not some of their crazy money focused spin-offs. Also, we’re not the only ones to express our opinion about EA and The Sims, SimsVIP and others do as well.
About the mobile site. There isn’t one, not at this time anyways. That’s something that I will look into in the future. Hopefully after I find a full-time permanent job and can invest some cash into improving the site.
One last thing to all who can only select one option, I am looking into that. 🙂
Problem solved! Try to access it on your smartphone now. I think you’ll be quite happy. Unless your browser crashes. Fingers crossed!
Basically, I had writers block. That and my mind went blank when I almost had a good idea for a poll. If wasn’t until today that I and Dan were talking about site improvements that might make the site easier to navigate or easier to use that I realized, that should have been the poll. Also, I’m an honest man as is Dan and Jud. We have never and will never mess with the poll results.
I like this poll!
Just give me a mail if you want anything done as i’m good at making and working with wordpress. I can help you for free 🙂
I can’t vote in the poll. I have never voted before.