Here we go, some people overacting to a game again… or are they? Makes you think when Facebook games will have game ratings like other games.
Via: SimsVIP
and The Sims 3 Gamer
Here we go, some people overacting to a game again… or are they? Makes you think when Facebook games will have game ratings like other games.
Via: SimsVIP
and The Sims 3 Gamer
Oh god….they will never learn that gaming is not the same with the real life…
If that was true then one million people would run around with helmets and armors shouting Fus Roh Dah to each other >.>
I love the Sims. But I don’t play Social because of just the opposite of this report. I worry that adult players may be tricked into relationships with underage players who are testing the waters to see what they can get away with. It also wouldn’t take a lot of effort for a money-hungry parent to set up an account in their child’s name and then lure another adult into a cybersex encounter with a Sim created from that account so that they could scream “pedo” and then blackmail or sue the unsuspecting adult, ruining their good name in the process. I think Sims Social should require that players create Sims that reflect their own age groups in order to avoid this problem.
Stupid soccer moms.
Honey, 13 years old is old enough for the talk…. geez, woohoo’s never even required for quests. Though it should be for the Mad Men parody. Also, kids who aren’t in high school shouldn’t be on FB. You join the correct and safest way by using your school email address to join their network. Middle schoolers and below shouldn’t be using FB. This woman wasn’t a very good parent.
OMG that Theresa Payton woman is so stupid:
“This game is NOT made for kids. It’s not made for kids. And it encourages kids–”
YOU JUST DISPROVED YOUR OWN POINT! The game IS NOT made for kids, so kids SHOULD NOT be playing it!
I think that the parents need to loosen the chains on their kids…the game does not force you to have showers with other Sims, it does not force you to have WooHoo – it is entirely the player’s decision on what to do. It doesn’t glorify WooHoo at all – it makes it appear like a natural part of life.
Those women need to get out of the Victorian Era and move into the modern day. 😛
+ When they use the word cyber sex, I think it gives a bit of a false image to people, who have never seen this game. :/ I mean, it’s not very graphical in the game nor does it mean describing the act in close detail – which is what happens in actual cyber sex.
I also resent how the woman in the end tells people to use peer pressure on their children. Aren’t we supposed to teach our children not to give into peer pressure?
Yep. Any parent who lets their kids have a Facebook account is a moron. Kids have been kidnapped or worse that did. Makes it a pain in the butt for those of us who do use our brains. Sheesh. I’m against censorship. That woman is an idiot.
LoL, welcome to the USA
“Those women need to get out of the Victorian Era and move into the modern day. :P”
Yes, because the people of the modern day are really well balanced and have it all together. Shut up. Nothing wrong with parents not wanting their 12 year olds having cyber woohoo with other people on a Facebook game. Of course, I would question why they’re letting these kids on Facebook at all, but that’s another discussion.
I have to comment, as both a parent & a gamer. Kids have no business on facebook or playing sims game unsupervised. they should have the ss set up so it filters content based on a user’s profile birthdate. and those under a certain age wouldn’t be allowed to access certain features (woohoo). I let my son play sims 3, but I supervise him when he does, to either shoo him away from age inappropriate materials or to explain them. to be honest, I’m surprised sims squeeks by like it does with certain aspects of the game and retain a teen rating. but frankly, kids are too engrossed in media as it is.
I have issues with kids using facebook, not so much sims games. there’s a ton of adults using fb that shouldn’t either. Like that stupid broad who killed her infant because the baby was cutting into her fb/internet time… Just proves humans in general are stupid and lack common sense…People like her are why idiot lables and idiot laws exist…
If you’re using FB without a school network it’s a lot less safe. If you’re in a network at 13 or 10, it’s a giant one like a town that can include any age group. If you limit it to being viewed just by your school network, you at least are only visible and dealing with people your age. Make them stick to email and sites for kids and only use the computer in a public area of the house.
And why the parents let the kids to have facebook accounts? …
It’s like those parents who say “Call of Duty has a bad influence on my eight year old son!”
All this moral panic is only going to create publicity, nice job soccer moms. Most kids I know aren’t a fan of this game’s exploitative nature.
@Bas: I know….these idgiots who let their kids play M rated games and then wonder why they’re tramatized just slay me. Games have ratings for a reason, it is sad how plagued by illertracy we are in this country. We aren’t bright enough to read box labels.
“Yes, because the people of the modern day are really well balanced and have it all together.”
More so than the Victorians did. Not saying that we’re perfect, but we’re more civilised and open than then.
“Shut up.”
Um…no thanks, there’s a thing called Freedom of Speech?
They won’t break out the pitchforks & torches just yet. there’s been so many things overblown lately, Sims social is just a droplet in the sea.
Kids on facebook however…kids shouldnt need a social networking site…but then the whole concept of fb & co comes into question once you take the trendiness out of it. sadly, minors use fb because adults & media use fb, they mimic their role models. my kid has no interest in social networking, but we’ve sat down and talked about it. alot of these kids on fb are because parents treat the internet like they used to with tv, a babysitter so they don’t have to deal with their kids…I know too many ppl like that in my neighborhood and it makes me angry cause the child is the one who suffers.