Check it out below and click more to read the whole enchilada.
It’s really funny and amazing to see The Sims 3 Store Team on the day of a launch. Everyone is literally sitting on the edge of their seats. After the system is updated and the product is live everyone waits with bated breath to see what you think!
It’s so fun to see the honest glee and passion from the team. We’re Sims players ourselves and even though we’re a company, in a way we’re also builders! We spend alot of time making, testing and preparing these objects and we REALLY want you to like them!Today’s release is particularly fun. The Deep Fryer and Ice Cream Maker are going to serve up so much fun in your kitchen! Please Please feel free to post screenshots of the items, we eat that up!Personally, I’m here at work when we release content so even *I* don’t get to play with it until I go home, so your screenshots are getting me through the day.Most of all, don’t be afraid to say something that you don’t like. We’re always interested in feedback from you guys and when its bad we do honestly listen and try to do what we can to fix it. Please be nice about it, I mean we’re not robots here. LOL. Things can hurt our feelings too.I know we can seem dodgy sometimes when we won’t answer questions but there are some things that we just can’t talk about and we’re hoping you’ll understand. But the entire team is committed to being more communicative with our users because you’re the reason why we’re here. 🙂But really we do love the objects we put out in the store and ultimately we want you guys to love them too. I can’t wait to get this stuff!Happy Frying!–Tatertot
Via: SimsVIP
They definitely should be excited. I bought the set and from my first impressions the premium content is easily the best thus far. So much new food! I love the animations with the deep fryer. There’s a cool bonus 500 lifetime for families with both the deep fryer and ice cream maker in their homes too.
They did a nice job on this one. I played the set for a while last night- no problems.
Some people are complaining on the forums about how Sims use the fryer and the ice cream maker autonomously, but hey? If you don’t want them using it, don’t give it to them!
Oh, and one cool thing is that the objects interact- they use both the ice cream maker and the fryer to make fried icecream.
I’m waiting for the deep fryer and the ice-cream maker to come out for individual sale.
I love this set! I gave my little sim her color coordinated fryer and ice cream maker and was worried about the autonomous making of everything but she went to bed as she was sleepy. But first thing next morning she ran downstairs, fried her up some bacon, and to my horror, plopped it in the ice cream maker and made maple bacon ice cream…ewww. 😀
This is the first premium content I think is WORTH the money.
This a really amazing premium content, with a lot of new gameplay. They should make more content like this.
I think they are already. 😛