You know you wanna do it. Oh yeah baby, you really wanna do it. You’ve fought the temptation and urge to do it up to this point in time, but you know you can no longer resist it. Give in… Oh yes… Give in and pre-order Sweet Treats through Game UK today! I bet you now think that I’ve lost my mind? No? True, it’s not lost. It’s there, but there are a few screws loose. LMAO XD
The first site in which I witnessed possessing this info is SimsVIP.
You know The Sims is going down the drain when news posts have dirty descriptions to make sucky stuff packs seem funny.
We’re allowed to have fun with a post now and then. Would you rather they stay generic. Title/description of post > pic linked to pre-order site > source. That gets boring. I don’t wanna be boring and have people saying that they are bored with our posts. I would then have to ask them if they are Mahogany or Oak. XD
It is unfortunate that The Sims is going downhill but the funny posts have been around for a while. Given the name of the stuff pack it’s hard not to make dirty jokes about it, even though I’m not a big fan of dirty humour myself.
This made my morning 😛