Some info on Singers. Sweet!
If you want to become a famous singer, you have to start as a “Sing-A-Gram novice” singing for tips on community lots and performing Sing-A-Grams for customers. Concerts at big arenas are still far away…
Responsibilities for this profession are Deliver Sing-A-Grams, Perform for tips and Get gigs.
You can try to get gigs starting from level 2, asking a proprietor for an audition. Beginners cannot get gigs and can only propose Sing-A-Grams to Sims or sing on the street for tips. Check chapter 1 for more info about how gigs and shows work.
I still think it’s stupid that they didn’t fit it into the Music career. Come on people. With that and the band system, there’s just an insane unrelated assortment of music careers.