Ah yes, award time. Real awards that is, unlike that joke of an award show by Spike. What losers. lol Anyways, EA has grabbed 21 nominations across 14 games. Why is this important and/or news? Duh! Because a Sims game is one of those games. w00t! Down boy, it’s The Sims Social. I retract my w00t.

Social Networking Game of the Year
Army Attack–Digital Chocolate
Gardens of Time–Playdom
The Sims Social–Playfish
Triple Town–Spry Fox

Other EA games are titles such as Need for Speed: The Run, Fight Night Champion and FIFA 12. The awards will be announced in Vegas on Thursday, February 9th. I wonder if there’s any UK or Euro organizations that do VG awards… These American VG Award Shows completely ignore The Sims unless it’s social or mobile.

Source: Sim Secrets