OMG this is so cool! Remember a month or so ago, for those of us that do or did play the Sims Social, there was a postal that you could place in game in Sims Social and when you clicked it you went to a Sims Social Sims 3 page. It mentioned a code, but we never got the code thus the page was useless. Today, EA has the a code on that page, and the Sims 3 content we get from entering it is…
The Charlie Sheen Sim Super Hero outfit from that parody vid the Sims Team made.
You’ll also receive a Sims Social Avatar & Game Badge & a Sticker for your My Page.
Source: SimsVIP
Change the language to English > United States, that worked for me.
Happy Simming!
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Or just get it off MoreAwesomeThanYouForFree along with all other stuff.
You have to change the language on the website to English (US) for it to work just like with some of the other free promo stuff. Annoying….
Thanks for the help. It worked 🙂