I missed most of the awesome news from yesterday, but thanks to the awesome staff we have, they were able to bring to you the updates on everything Sims related! While I was checking back to see what all was new, I saw the following pics that came from the Live Chat yesterday. I can’t seem to get livestream to load the video, so I’m not sure what they had to say, but I’m extremely excited nonetheless.
Ear length sliders! Yes, so it looks like I’ll be able to bring my three mischievous mules into the game to cause havoc after all! They’re pleased to hear…
I can see the images just fine 🙂 and… wow Jud… those mules have a lot of personality! 😉
That’s awesome!!!
You’ve stuck an extrra folder in the image names Jud that is stopping them showing up!
Here’s the correct links:
Tsk, call yourself a WebMaster! Sheesh! 😀
What are you talking about? The images display properly in this article. If you can’t see them, it might be your browser or because of an ad blocker.
Tried the page again with all ad. blockers, etc. turned off and still no luck. The links I’m seeing are:
Which gives a ‘404. The requested page was not found’ error with a kitty cat saying sorry. But changing it to:
brings up the image.
This is in Firefox 6…
i re-added the images. It’ll have to do until Jud gets online. 🙂
I am using Chrome, and those showing fine. Anyway, it is cool that you finally can create “mules” in the game!
Seeing them fine now that you’ve updated the links.
Just so you and Jud now Firefox 7 Beta 1 also doesn’t show the old link so something’s wrong somewhere with Firefox compatibility…