Okay, so you want to know a little more about Town Life Stuff. Gotcha. You’re more than welcome at sending in any of your questions to the site(s) below. They’ll be getting in touch with the SimGuru’s and will hopefully report the answers you wish to know!
- Sunset Valley Times – Send in your questions to events@svtim.es by July 1st
It’s a stupid MINI stuff pack! what questions would I ask…Are there more than 10 items? Is this stuff pack worse than Outdoor Living?… anybody?
that’s just ridiculous!
Brazilian logo: http://alalasims.com/index.php?subaction=showfull&id=1308611903&archive=&n=&ucat=2&
All questions for the stuff pack are awnsered there I feel. Check it out.
ask if they will give it free with The Sims 3 Pets.
Yeah…I’l ask….reality questions(Let’s see if they can answer it)
Thanks Jud for posting :D.
@the rest: Well, we’ve gotten some interesting questions, regarding the new objects in the pack. So clearly, not all questions are already answered, even though it’s a stuff pack 🙂