Woah, just got in some breaking news! I have been informed that actress Sarah Jessica Parker will be ‘siminized’ and featured in The Sims 3 Pets! We bring you the first exclusive picture of her character. Be sure to click the image for the full details on the story!
Oh that’s just mean…xD
Haha that’s awful.
hahahaha 😀
I can’t even remember any films she is in…
That was great 😛 .
Don’t forget ‘my little pony’, Julia Roberts.
Don’t be upset by it Charles, this is actually a pretty old joke about her. It would be awesome to see her involved with the pack though, like Hilary Duff and her chihuahua.
LMAO That is mean but hilarious all at the same time. haha
Not really all that funny, and rather mean for no reason. It’s even worse that it’s an old joke.
And it’s not like you’ve got any place commenting about people’s looks, you’re not exactly a super model either.
As for the joke – yes, it’s old. As for my looks, yes I know I’m a geek, fat, have acne and look a bit awkward. I’m not afraid to admit it either. But I’m a person that loves memes and humor and loves to laugh. You guys can’t tell me you never watched The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park or any other comedy show and laughed when they made fun of a particular person. It’s all fun and games. Lighten up, there’s way too many serious people in this world.
Haha! That was great. 😀
Aw poor Sarah jessica parker! u guys r mean! xD
Ok. That is truly the most ridiculously retarded thing you have ever posted. Just fucking mean for no apparent reason.
Oh jesus, people who comment being all serious stfu, it’s a joke now get over it. FUNNY SHIT!
I always called her horseface, even before this was a meme. I lol’d. I’m sure her a.d her money could give a crap about what you say.
I have to admit i laughed before i could help myself. lol She knows she looks long in the face, its no secret… but she has a sense of humour about it and we should too.
i don’t get it where is her sim??????plz plz plz someone tell me the ……reson for this im am so mad about this :-0
-.- it’s a joke, there’s no sim of her…. a recurring joke about Sarah is that she looks like a Horse.
Well I guess this proves many Sims players are shallow… 😀 That was very funny Jud, and ignore those guys.