Wow, this game was slammed hard by the official Nintendo Magazine…20%…
Since this is all a game about time management this just ruins the experience and many a time we’ve had our ravenous Sim frantically cooking dinner only for them to wet themselves then fall asleep on the floor next to a puddle of their own urine through no fault of our own.
The Sims 3 is a disgrace. The gameplay mechanics have been savaged, the graphics are choppy and the user interface makes the simplest of tasks frustrating.
So basically, the reason why the tech demos EA put out at the various gaming conventions only contained CAS was simply down to there not being much more of a game beyond it.
Who’d have thought that CAS would make up roughly a quarter of the final game?
I would say that EA should be ashamed of themselves, but EA don’t seem to know what shame actually is. After all, shovelware and rehashes are becoming their forté, with the only real saving grace in this instance being that they couldn’t find a way to shoehorn SecuROM, Project $10 and a crappy tack-on multiplayer/Online Pass scam into it.